The words of Koheleth son of David, king in Jerusalem.
Kohelet. [He was called Kohelet] because he gathered [=קִהֵל] much wisdom, and similarly, elsewhere [Scripture] calls him, “Agur Bin Yokeh,” because he gathered [אָגַר] all the wisdom and spewed [וַהֲקִיאָהּ] it out, and some say that he would say all his words in public assembly [=בְּהַקְהֵל].
Kohelet. This refers to the concept of gathering and collecting, like the congregation of Jacob (Deuteronomy 33:4), and King Solomon was referred to [as Kohelet], because he gathered the conflicting opinions to merge and clarify the correct from the incorrect.
Utter futility! All is futile!
Vanity. [...] Seven vanities [are mentioned], corresponding to the seven days of creation.
הבל הבלים אמר קהלת. רוצה לומר בזה הספר אמר קהלת לבני אדם והזהירם לההביל ולהמאיס את ההבלים וחוזר ומפרש אמריו ואמר הבל את ההבלים מה שהכל הבל אשר בשום אופן לא יצמח מהם תכלית ראוי ויקר. (אבל ההבלים המסבבים באחרונה תכלית המועיל אין מהראוי לההביל אותם ולהמאיסם, יען נמצא בהם דבר טוב ומועיל):
Vanity of vanities, says Kohelet - That is, in this book, Kohelet warns people to melt away the vanities, and he emphasizes that one should treat vanities like mist. For that which produces nothing of lasting value is indeed vanity....
Vanity of vanities, says Kohelet, vanity of vanities, all is vanity - the early sages explained that if a poor person, who had never seen luxury or the pleasures of the world, tried to admonish the people not to seek those pleasures because they are vanity, they would laugh at him....
But it was the wise king, who had experienced every luxury and pleasure, who said this. Since Kohelet was the one to say "vanity of vanities", that made it obvious that it was so....
The concept of hevel is central to the theme of the Book of Kohelet. Hevel is the vapor of breath on a cold day that quickly disappears. The author points to the essential quality of perception that it is not firmly attached to the underlying reality. As meaning floats above the shape of the letters on a page, so our perception points to but never exactly grasps reality. A change in our perspective can alter the meaning of a word or an event. Yet it is impossible to grasp reality more firmly than through perception and the meaning of things. This is not a condition which can be improved upon. It is the very nature of our situation -- we apprehend reality through our perceptions, and they are ephemeral like a mist that disappears. The notion of “hevel” is related to the observation that uncertainty is the most obdurate characteristic of human existence. This has been a theme of many of the defining works of science, mathematics and philosophy of the twentieth century. Compare: Russel’s Paradox; Einstein’s principles of Special and General Relativity; Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle; Bohr’s Argument for Complementarity; Godel’s incompleteness theorum; Mandelbrot’s Fractal Geometry, Von Neumann’s Game Theory, Frege’s Philosophy of Arithmetic; Claude Shannon’s Theory of Information and Entropy, Maurice Merleau Ponty’s Primacy of Perception; J.L. Austin’s Sense and Sensibilia, the Boyd or OODA Cycle in strategic studies, and the notion of agile development in both computer coding and entrepreneurial businesses.
In all the gains he makes beneath the sun?
Beneath the sun. Instead [=תַּחַת] of the Torah, which is called light, as it is stated, “and the Torah is light.” All the labor which he does instead of engaging in Torah study, what reward does it yield?
But the earth remains the same forever.
One generation goes, etc. - Rabbi Levi and Rabbi Levi bar Sisi said, there is no day on which 600,000 babies aren't born and 600,000 people die. What is the source? As it says, one generation goes and one comes, and next to that it says, the sun rises and the sun sets....
One generation goes, etc. - Let each generation that comes in your days, and each sage in your days, be to you like the generation that has gone and like the first sages that you encountered....
This teaches you that the judge of your generation is to be esteemed just like the judge of the earlier generations.
And glides back to where it rises.
The sun rises, etc. - Rabbi Abba bar Kahana said, don't we already know that the sun rises and sets? Why does he write this? It is to teach us that before the sun sets on one righteous person, it rises on another. As the sun set on Sarah, it rose on Rebecca, as it says, Bethuel begat Rebecca, and after that it says that Sarah died. And so it is in every generation.
Turning northward,
Ever turning blows the wind;
On its rounds the wind returns.
Yet the sea is never full;
To the place [from] which they flow
The streams flow back again.
No man can ever state them;
The eye never has enough of seeing,
Nor the ear enough of hearing.
All such things are wearisome - this refers to wastes of time, which weary a person....
Which has happened,
Only that occur
Which has occurred;
There is nothing new
Beneath the sun!
That which has been is what will be, etc. In whatever he learns, in a matter that is an exchange for the sun, there is nothing new. He will see only that which already was, which was created in the six days of creation. But one who engages in the study of Torah constantly finds new insights therein, as the matter is stated, “her breasts will satisfy you at all times.” Just as this breast, whenever the infant feels it, he finds a taste in it, so are the words of Torah, and likewise we find in Tractate Chagigah, that Rabbi Eliezer son of Horkenos said things that the ear had not heard, concerning the account of the “Celestial Chariot.”
Sometimes there is a phenomenon - Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said, everything that a veteran scholar will teach one day was already given as law to Moses at Sinai....
The earlier ones are not remembered; so too those that will occur later will no more be remembered than those that will occur at the very end.
I, Kohelet - Rabbi Shmuel bar Rav Yitzhak said, this should have been written at the beginning of the book. Why is it written here? Because there is no early or late in Torah.
I, Kohelet, was king. Over the whole world, and later, over Israel, and then, over Jerusalem alone, and finally, only over my walking staff, for it says, “[I] was king ... in Jerusalem,” but now, I am no longer king.
Midrash Mishley 16 tells the following: When Solomon lost his throne he was forced to go begging. Whenever he would come to the door of some house he would identify himself saying: “I am Kohelet, and I used to be king in Jerusalem.” Once he met two men who used to know him when he was king. One of them bowed down before him and accorded him the honor due to a king. He invited him to share a meal with him on that day. He took him home to the upper floor of his home and served him a fatted ox. During the meal his host reminded Solomon of the times when he used to be king over Israel in Jerusalem. Solomon broke out crying because he had been reminded of his past glory and contrasted it with his present circumstances. In the end, he could not even eat the meal because he felt so depressed. When he met the other man whom he used to know, this one too bowed down before him and he too invited Solomon to dine with him on that day. Solomon asked him if he too was going to remind him of all the glory he used to enjoy, etc, just as his other one time friend had done. The host replied that he was only a poor man and that the only kind of meal he was able to offer the erstwhile king was vegetable soup, etc. Solomon accompanied the man to his house. They arrived there, his host washed his hands and feet for him and served him a simple meal. During the meal he made a point of consoling Solomon over what he had lost. He said: “My lord king, God has sworn an oath to your father David that the kingdom of Israel would not depart from his descendants. The scriptural verse he quoted (Psalms 132,11) was: “the Lord swore to David a firm oath that He will not renounce, ‘One of your own issue I will set upon your throne’”. He explained to Solomon that it was the custom of God to subject a man to afflictions when He wanted to discipline him but to relate to him with goodwill again after He had done so. He added that God subjects particularly those whom He loves to such trials and tribulations, just as a father does when he wants to discipline his child (Proverbs 3,12). His host added that he was certain that God would restore his kingdom to Solomon. When Solomon heard these words he felt greatly encouraged and enjoyed this meal of simple vegetable soup far more than the meal he had been served on the day before. When his kingdom was eventually restored to him, he recorded his feelings on the matter in the verses we have quoted from Proverbs.
To probe with wisdom - to tour [with] wisdom....Alternatively, to make a name for wisdom.
All the happenings - except for teshuvah and good deeds.
A lack that cannot be made good.
With regard to the possibility to compensate for a prayer that he failed to recite at its appointed time, the Gemara raises an objection based on what was taught in a baraita. The meaning of the verse: “That which is crooked cannot be made straight; and that which is wanting cannot be numbered” (Ecclesiastes 1:15), is as follows: That which is crooked cannot be made straight refers to one who omitted the evening Shema and the morning Shema, or the evening prayer, or the morning prayer. And that which is wanting cannot be numbered [lehimanot] refers to one whose friends reached a consensus [nimnu] to perform a mitzvah and he was not part of their consensus [nimnu] and, consequently, he missed his opportunity to join them in performance of the mitzvah. This baraita clearly states that there is no way to compensate for a missed prayer.
And furthermore, Rabbi Eliezer said: One who did not eat a meal on the evening of the first day of the Festival should compensate with a meal on the evening of the last day of the Festival, on the Eighth Day of Assembly, despite the fact that he will not eat it in the sukkah. And the Rabbis say: There is no compensation for this matter, and with regard to similar cases where it is impossible to rectify failure to fulfill a positive mitzvah, it is stated: “That which is crooked cannot be made straight; and that which is wanting cannot be numbered” (Ecclesiastes 1:15).
That which is crooked. During his lifetime. He will not be able to straighten it after he dies. Whoever toiled on the eve of Shabbat will eat on Shabbat....
Crooked, etc. - The world to come is like Shabbat, while this world is like the day before Shabbat. If one doesn't prepare on the day before Shabbat, what will he/she eat on Shabbat? Hence, that which is crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is lacking cannot be made good.
(שם שם)
That which is crooked - Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai says, we only call crooked someone who was honest originally and then became crooked. Who is this? A scholar who departs from the Torah.
I said to myself: “Here I have grown richer and wiser than any who ruled before me over Jerusalem, and my mind has zealously absorbed wisdom and learning.”
I understand now, that also wisdom has frustration in it, for in great wisdom, a person relies on his great wisdom and does not distance himself from the prohibition, and much vexation comes to the Holy One, Blessed Is He. I said, “I will get many horses, but I will not return the people to Egypt,” but ultimately, I returned. I said, “I will take many wives, but they will not turn my heart away,” but it is written about me, “his wives swayed his heart.” And similarly it states that he relied on his great wisdom and did many things, as it is stated, “the words of this man to Itieil, because God is with me, I will be able.”
The word that means foolishness, sikhlut, could also mean cleverness, from sekhel. The fundamental importance of this double meaning is not lost on Kohelet.
To increase learning is to increase heartache.
For as wisdom grows, etc. - so long as one increases wisdom, one increases in anger. And the more one grows in knowledge, the more one's sufferings increase, as Solomon said: "For as wisdom grows, vexation grows; to increase learning is to increase heartache."
I said to myself. Since that is so, I will refrain from wisdom, and I will indulge in drinking all the time.
I will treat you to merriment, etc. - Rabbi Pinhas said, I will treat and I will treat - I will try with words of Torah, and I will try with words of heresy. I will flee words of heresy for words of Torah, and see the good - the goodness of Torah. If so, why say that this, too, is vanity? Because all of the Torah that one learns in this world is vanity when compared with the Torah of the next world. In this world, one learns Torah and forgets, but in the future that will come, it says (Jeremiah 31:33), "I will give them my Torah in their midst."
I will treat you to merriment, etc. - The Rabbis say....all tranquility that one sees in this world is vanity when compared with the tranquility of the world to come. In this world, one dies, and bequeaths his tranquility to another. But in the world to come, it says (Isaiah 65:22), "They shall not build only to have others dwell."
Of merriment, “What good is that?”
To laughter I said, in time of affliction. It is mockery; and to mirth, what profit is it to the man who indulges in it?
I ventured to tempt my flesh with wine, and to grasp folly, while letting my mind direct with wisdom, to the end that I might learn which of the two was better for people to practice in their few days of life under heaven.
And my heart conducted itself with wisdom. Even if my body is inclined to wine, my heart conducts itself with wisdom and Torah observance.
Tempt with wine, etc. - with the wine of Torah.
My mind directing with wisdom - with the wisdom of Torah....
I multiplied good works in Jerusalem. I built houses; that is, the temple, to make atonement for Israel, and a royal palace, and the conclave, and the porch, and a house of judgment of hewn stones, where the sages sit and the judges give judgment; I made a throne of ivory for the throne of royalty; I planted vineyards in Yavne, that I and the Rabbis of the Sanhedrin might drink wine, and also to make libations of wine, new and old, upon the altar.
I made watered gardens and parks, and I sowed there all kinds of herbs, some for food, some for drink, and some for medicine, and all kinds of aromatics; I planted therein sterile trees, and aromatic trees, which the spectres and evil spirits brought me from India, and all kinds of fruit-bearing trees ; and its boundary was from the wall of the city of Jerusalem to the margin of the river Shiloah;
Every kind of fruit tree. For Shlomo with his wisdom recognized the veins of the earth: which vein goes to Cush, and there he planted peppers; which one goes to a land of carobs, and there he planted carob trees. For all the veins of the lands come to Zion, from where the world was founded, as it is stated, “Out of Zion, perfect beauty.” Therefore, it is stated, “every kind of fruit tree.” [This is found] in Midrash Tanchuma.
I further amassed silver and gold and treasures of kings and provinces; and I got myself male and female singers, as well as the luxuries of commoners—coffers and coffers of them.
Thus, I gained more wealth than anyone before me in Jerusalem. In addition, my wisdom remained with me.
Also my wisdom. Also, I did not forsake my wisdom because of all these affairs, and it remained with me and I did not forget it. Another explanation: it stood by me to aid me against all these.
מכל שהיה לפני. וכי מי היה לפניו – דוד אביו . (שם)
Than anyone before me - and who was before him? David, his father.
For what will the man be like who will succeed the one who is ruling over what was built up long ago?
My thoughts also turned to appraising wisdom and madness and folly.
For what value is the man who would come after the king. To supplicate him concerning a decree that they decreed upon him, and they already executed the decree and it is already in effect. It is better for him to consider at first his actions, and he would not find it necessary to appeal.
Wisdom is superior to folly
As light is superior to darkness;
Whereas a fool walks in darkness.
But I also realized that the same fate awaits them both.
The wise man, his eyes are in his head. In the beginning [=בְּרֹאשׁוֹ] of the matter, he contemplates the end results.
The wise man reflects in the beginning what there will be at last, and prays and averts the evil decree from the world; while the fool walks in darkness; and I also know that if the wise man does not pray and avert the evil decree from the world, when retribution shall come upon the world, the same destiny shall befall them all.
(ירושלמי סוטה פ"ח ה"י)
The wise man, his eyes are in his head - and do fools have their eyes in their legs? Rather, when a wise person considers a matter, he can see its outcome.
So I reflected: “The fate of the fool is also destined for me; to what advantage, then, have I been wise?” And I came to the conclusion that that too was futile.
And I said in my heart, a destiny like that of Saul, the son of Kish, the king, who turned aside, and did not keep the commandment given to him about Amalek, and the kingdom was taken from him, will also befall me; and how then am I wiser than he? And I said in my heart, that also this is vanity, and there is nothing except the decree of the Lord.
And I said to myself, etc. Since they will both die, perhaps I will think in my heart from now on that as it happens to the wicked man, so will it happen to me, so why should I be righteous?
Then I said to myself. If I think like this, that is vanity, for the remembrances of the wise man and the fool are not equal. After their deaths, both of them will not be remembered together, for this one will be remembered for good, and this one will be remembered for evil.
because the wise man, just like the fool, is not remembered forever; for, as the succeeding days roll by, both are forgotten. Alas, the wise man dies, just like the fool!
For the remembrance of the wise man is not with the fool in the world to come, for after the death of a man, that which happened long ago in his lifetime, when the days come follow him after his death, everything will be disclosed; and why, then, do people say that the end of the righteous is like that of the wicked?
And I hated all evil life, because the evil work which is done against people under the sun in this world displeased me, for it is all vanity, and breaking of spirit.
And who knows, etc. - Rabbi Meir would earn three selas weekly. He would eat and drink with one, and obtain shelter with one, and support the Rabbis with one. His students said to him, Rabbi, what will remain for your children? He said to them, if they will be righteous, hasn't David already said, "I have not seen the righteous abandoned [and his children begging for bread]." And if not, why should I give anything of mine to the enemies of the Presence? This is why Solomon said, "And who knows whether he will be wise or foolish and control all my wealth?"
I turned, etc. - I turned myself to stop my heart from toil, and said again, just as others have toiled for me, so, too, will I toil for others.
There is nothing worthwhile for a man but to eat and drink and afford himself enjoyment with his means. And even that, I have seen, comes from God.
There is nothing better for a man but that he eat, drink, and make his soul see good in people, in order to do the commandments, to walk in the straight path before him, so that it may be well with him from his labour; also this I saw, that if a man prospers in this world, it is from the hand of the Lord, who decrees it so for him.
That he eat and drink - Rabbi Yonah said, all eating and drinking in this book refers to Torah and good deeds....
To the man, namely, who pleases Him He has given the wisdom and shrewdness to enjoy himself; and to him who displeases, He has given the urge to gather and amass—only for handing on to one who is pleasing to God. That too is futile and pursuit of wind.
For everything there is a season. Let not one who accumulates possessions out of vanity rejoice, for although he possesses them now, they will ultimately pass on to the righteous, only the time has not yet arrived, for everything has a set time1The word עת [=time] is repeated 29 times in this section, corresponding to the number of days in a lunar month. when it will be2I.e., nothing is coincidental, rather there is a specific time for everything (Metsudat David). Alternatively, one should not say that he has no time for Torah study or the performance of Mitzvot, because in reality לכל זמן, there is time for everything when, ועת לכל חפץ, if it is for an activity that he really desires [=חפץ], there is always time. (Kehilat Yaakov).
To every thing there is a season - that is, nothing happens by chance....
A time for being born-b and a time for dying,
A time for planting and a time for uprooting the planted;
עת ללדת וגו'. מהו זה עת ללדת ועת למותהכי כל הני עתים דחשיב בסמוך הכונה שכולם ביד האדם לעשותם בזמנים שונים, וקשה מה שייך בלידה ומיתה עתים קבועים, שהרי אינם ברשות האדם, כי בע"כ נולד ובע"כ מת, ואף שלא בזמנו, ומפרש דאיירי בענין שבאמת תלוי ביד האדם שישתדל שיהיה נקי מן החטא בשעת מיתה כמו בשעת לידה. , אלא אשריו לאדם ששעת מיתתו כשעת לידתו, מה שעת לידתו נקיה אף שעת מיתתו תהא נקיה .
(ירושלמי מגילה פ"א ה"ט)
A time to be born, etc. - what is a time to be born and a time to die? [For all these times are mentioned as though a person may choose when to do them. But this is difficult: how can birth and death have fixed times? They are not in a person's control. We do not decide when to be born or to die....The explanation is that it is truly in our power to strive to be free of sin at the time of our death as we were at the time of our birth.]....
A time for tearing down and a time for building up;
A time to kill, etc. - in a time of war, and a time to heal in a time of peace; a time for tearing down is during wartime, and a time for building up is during peace.
A time for wailing and a time for dancing;
A time to mourn. In the days of mourning.
עת לבכות וגו׳. עת לבכות בשעת האבל, ועת לשחוק – אחר האבל, עת ספוד – בשעת האבל, ועת רקוד – אחר האבלטזנראה דמכוין למ"ש במו"ק כ"ז ב' אסור להתקשות [להצטער] על המת יותר מדאי אלא שלשה לבכי וכו', ואמר בזה שלא יאמר האדם כיון דלבו דוי יתאבל ויתאבל, אלא לכל עת, בשעת שיעור האבל עת לספוד, ואח"כ אסור לנהוג כזה, ועיין מש"כ בבאור לשון עת רקוד [ולא עת לשמות] בתו"ת פ' שמות בפסוק ויחגו לי במדבר (ה' א'). .
A time to weep, etc. - a time to weep during mourning, and a time to laugh when mourning has been completed...
[...It is forbidden to mourn a loved one excessively...Even one who still feels sadness must not keep mourning, because there is a time for every thing....]
A time for embracing and a time for shunning embraces;
An opportune time to throw away a heap of stones, and an opportune time to gather stones for a building; an opportune time to embrace a wife, and an opportune time to abstain from embracing her, in the seven days of mourning.
A time for keeping and a time for discarding;
An opportune time to wish for riches, and an opportune time to lose riches; an opportune time to keep merchandise, and an opportune time to throw merchandise into the sea, during a great storm.
A time to seek. As the matter is stated, “I will seek the lost,” concerning the scattered among Israel.
And a time to abandon. And a time when God causes them to be lost in exile, as it is stated, “And you will become lost among the nations.”
A time for silence and a time for speaking;
An opportune time to tear the garment for the dead, and an opportune time to sew together the torn pieces; an opportune time to be silent and not to rebuke, and an opportune time to speak words of reproof.
A time to rip apart. The kingship of the House of David, [as it is stated,] “And I tore the kingship, etc.”
A time to be silent. These are the times when a person is silent and receives a reward, as it is stated, “and Aaron was silent,” and he [therefore] merited that the Divine speech addressed him personally, as it is stated, “And the Lord spoke to Aaron, [saying] ‘Do not drink intoxicating wine.’”
A time for war and a time for peace.
An opportune time to love each other, and an opportune time to hate the wicked; an opportune time to make war, and an opportune time to restore peace.
What benefit [then] has the worker. What is the benefit of the one who does evil, in all that he labors? He too, his time will come, and all [his ill-gotten gains] will be lost.
Beautiful in its time. In its proper time, it is beautiful that reward be given for good deeds, but at the time of evil, it is appropriate for meting out punishment for evil deeds....
He has set in their heart, etc. Also the wisdom of the world that He instilled into the hearts of mankind, He did not instill it all into each one’s heart, rather a little to this one and a little to that one, in order that man should not fully grasp the workings of the Holy One, Blessed Is He, to know it; [and thereby] he will not know the day of his visitation [death] and on what he will stumble, in order that he put his heart to repent, so that he will be concerned and say [to himself], “Today or tomorrow I will die.” Therefore, ‘הָעֹלָם’ is written here defectively [i.e., without a ‘vav’], an expression of “hidden,” for if man knew that the day of his death was near, he would neither build a house nor plant a vineyard. Therefore, he says that, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” The fact that there is a time for death is a beautiful thing, for a person optimistically says [to himself], “Perhaps my death is far off,” and he builds a house and plants a vineyard; and it is beautiful that it is concealed from people.
King Solomon said by the spirit of prophecy, I know that there is nothing good among the children of men but that they rejoice in the joy of the law and do good in the days of their life.
I know. Now, since the time of visitation [death] is concealed, that there is nothing better for man than to rejoice with his portion and to do that which is good in his Creator’s eyes, while he is yet alive.
Nothing can be added to it
And nothing taken from it—
and God has brought to pass that men revere Him.
Fear of Heaven is like a treasurer [gizbar] to whom they gave keys to the inner doors of the treasury but they did not give keys to the outer door. With what key will he enter? Although the Torah is the inner key, without fear of Heaven one cannot gain access to the genuine Torah. Similarly, Rabbi Yannai would proclaim: Woe unto one who does not have a courtyard, and who makes a fence for the courtyard, i.e., a person who lacks fear of Heaven and is nevertheless involved in Torah study. Rav Yehuda said: The Holy One, Blessed be He, only created His world so that people would fear before Him, as it is stated: “And God has so made it that men should fear before Him” (Ecclesiastes 3:14).
And what is to occur occurred long since:
and God seeks the pursued.
Alongside justice there is wickedness,
Alongside righteousness there is wickedness.
In the place of justice, etc. I saw with the Holy Spirit, the place of the Chamber of Hewn Stone in Jerusalem, which was, “full of justice,” there they judge wickedly, as it is stated, “Her leaders judge for bribes,” and I saw their punishment.
I mused: “God will doom both righteous and wicked, for there is a time for every experience and for every happening.”
I said in my heart, etc. Therefore, I say everything is judged by the Holy One, Blessed Is He, in due time, and even though the matter [appears] delayed, it will eventually reach its time, for there is a time for everything. Even for retribution and for the visitation of judgement there is a time that comes.
I said in my heart concerning people, as to the chastisements and evil events which come upon them, God sends these to try and to prove them, to see whether they will return in repentance and be forgiven and healed. But the wicked who are like beasts do not repent; therefore, they are reproved thereby to their own condemnation.
The Hebrew word behemah refers to domesticated animals which serve man, not to wild beasts which would use the word chayah. The service of these beasts of nourishment and burden is an example for mankind, not an image of being dangerous to each other.
Master of all worlds! Not upon our merit do we rely in our supplication, but upon your limitless love. What are we? What is our life? What is our piety? What is our righteousness? What is our attainment, our power, our might? What can we say, Lord our God and God of our ancestors? Compared to You, all the powerful are nothing, the famous, insignificant. The wise lack wisdom; the clever lack reason. Our actions, for all their profuseness, are meaningless; the days of our lives, emptiness. Human preeminence over beasts is an illusion when all is seen as futility.
Who knows. As in, “Whoever knows, let him repent.” One who understands knows that the spirit of man ascends on high and stands in judgment, and the spirit of the beast descends to the earth, and does not have to give a justification and reckoning. [Therefore,] one must not behave like a beast, which does not [have to] care about its deeds.
All the oppressed. Who were made to be oppressed in Gehinnom for the deeds that were committed.
All of a person's actions, both good and bad, are motivated by instinctive urges which characterize the world of under the sun. Jealousy can be channeled into the development of great skill, into thievery, into scholarship and perhaps even into philanthropy. However, the perspective of what is done under the sun only sees that these instinctive urges (yetzer hara) are the source of futile and destructive actions, that every good action is contaminated by its venal motivation. However, there is another perspective which recognizes that without jealousy, greed, ambition, or desire for fame, not very much would get done. The urgent pressure of hunger, cold, fear or desire for recognition can also motivate a person to accomplish worthwhile objectives.
The fool folds his hands together
And has to eat his own flesh.
The fool folds, etc. - To what may this be compared? To two people who toiled in Torah. One toiled and became better, while the other toiled and left. After a while, the one who left saw the one who improved standing in the company of tzaddikim, while he, the one who left, was in the company of evildoers. Immediately, he began to fold his hands and eat his flesh.
הכסיל חבק וגו׳. העולם הזה דומה לערב שבת ועולם הבא לשבת, מי שמכין בערב שבת אוכל בשבת, ומי שאינו מכין בערב שבת הרי הוא חורק את שיניו ואוכל את בשרו, שנאמר הכסיל חובק את ידיו ואוכל את בשרו .
(מ"ר פרשה א' פסוק ט"ו)
The fool folds, etc. - This world is like Friday, and the world to come is like Shabbat. Whoever prepares on Friday has food to eat on Shabbat, and whoever does not prepare on Friday ends up grinding his teeth and eating his flesh, as it says, "The fool folds his hands and eats his flesh."
Better is a handful of gratification
Than two fistfuls of labor which is pursuit of wind.
Better is a handful, etc. - Better is one who gives even a little tzedakah from his own than one who robs and steals and cheats but gives great sums to charity....
the case of the man who is alone, with no companion, who has neither son nor brother; yet he amasses wealth without limit, and his eye is never sated with riches. For whom, now, is he amassing it while denying himself enjoyment? That too is a futility and an unhappy business.
One who is alone, etc. - this is the Holy One, as it is said, "God is one" - and there is no other. There is no partner to God.
Neither son nor brother - this is Israel, who are called God's children, as it is said, "You are children to the Lord your God". And they are called brothers, as it is said (Psalm 122), "For the sake of my brothers and friends."
There is no end to his work - to all that God did in the six days of creation.
For whom do I labor and deny myself - if the righteous do not do mitzvot and good deeds before God, is this not futility in the world that God created?
Two are better off than one, in that they have greater benefit from their earnings.
Than one. Therefore, a person should acquire for himself a companion and marry a woman, for they will have a greater return from their labor. Much work is accomplished by two, because [there are tasks that] an individual would not start on his own.
Two are better, etc. - Two are better than one when engaging in Torah, for if one of them falters, the other will lift him up. If one of them forgets a halakhah, his partner will remind him. A threefold cord is not readily broken refers to their rabbi, who corrects them both.
Two are better, etc. - Two are better than one when engaging in business. If one of them falters and is at risk, the other will lift him up. A threefold cord is not readily broken refers to when there are three partners.
Two are better, etc. - Rabbi Yohanan said, two are better refers to a man and wife. Than one refers to each one being alone. And the threefold cord refers to the Holy One, who blesses them with children.
They can be warm. [To be understood] according to its apparent meaning, regarding male and female, who are aroused by one another and procreate.
(מנחות מ"ג ב׳)
A threefold cord, etc. - It is taught, Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov says, whoever has tefillin on his head and arm, tzitzit on his garment, and a mezuzah on his doorpost is deemed unlikely to sin, as it is said, a threefold cord is not readily broken.
לא במהרה ינתק. א"ר שמואל בר רב יצחק, שמר אדם עצמו מן העבירה פעם ראשונה ושניה ושלישית, מכאן ואילך הקב"ה משמרו, דכתיב (איוב ל"ז) הן כל אלה יפעל אל פעמים שלש עם גבר. א"ר זירא, ובלבד שלא ישוב , מה טעם, דכתיב והחוט המשולש לא במהרה ינתק, לא לעולם ינתק אין כתיב כאן אלא לא במהרה ינתק, אבל אם מטרחת עליו מפסק הוא .
(ירושלמי פאה פ"א סוף הלכה א׳)
Is not readily broken - Rabbi Shmuel bar Rav Yitzhak said, if a man has kept himself from sin once, twice, and three times, from that point the Holy One keeps him [from sinning], as it is written (Job 33), Truly God does all these things two or three times to a man.
Rabbi Zeira said, provided that he does not repent/repeat. What is the reason? It says, a threefold cord is not readily broken - not that it can never be broken. If it is stretched enough, it will break.
Better - this is Abraham, who is the poor youth, and in whom was the spirit of prophecy from the Lord, and to whom the Lord was known when three years old, and who would not worship an idol—than the wicked Nimrod, who was an old and foolish king. And because Abraham would not worship an idol, Nimrod threw him into the burning furnace. A miracle was performed for Abraham by the Lord of the world, who delivered him from the furnace. Even after this, Nimrod had no sense to be admonished not to worship the idol that he worshipped before.
They say that for the first thirteen years [of a person’s life] the Evil Urge is greater than the Good Urge. There in his mother’s womb, a person’s Evil Urge grows with him. [After he emerges into the world,] he starts breaking the Sabbath, and nothing is there to stop him; [killing people, and nothing is there to stop him; going out to sin, and nothing is there to stop him.]
After thirteen years, the Good Urge is born. Then when he breaks the Sabbath, it says to him: Empty one! Isn’t it written (Exodus 31:14), “One who breaks it will surely die”? When he kills, it says to him: Empty one! Isn’t it written (Genesis 9:6), “One who spills the blood of a person, his own blood will be spilled”? When he goes out to sin, it says to him: Empty one! Isn’t it written (Leviticus 20:16), “Both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death”?
When a person heats himself up, and then goes to commit some act of lewdness, all of his limbs will obey him, because the Evil Urge rules over all 248 limbs. When he goes to perform a mitzvah, his limbs begin to grow lazy, because the Evil Urge in his stomach rules over all 248 of a person’s limbs. The Good Urge, meanwhile, is like someone trapped in a prison, as it says (Ecclesiastes 4:14), “From the prison, he comes forth to rule” – that is the Good Urge.
Some say, that verse refers to Joseph the Righteous, when that wicked woman came and tortured him with words. She said to him: I will lock you up in prison! He said to her: But God releases the bound. She said to him: I will poke out your eyes! He said: God gives sight to the blind. She said to him: I will bend you down! He said to her: God straightens the bent. (She said to him: I will make you into a wicked man! He said to her: God loves the righteous. She said to him: I will make you an Aramean! He said to her: God protects the strangers. Until finally he said [Genesis 39:9], “How can I do this evil thing?”)
And do not be surprised at Joseph the Righteous. For behold, Rabbi Tzadok was the greatest of his generation when he was captured. And a matron took him and presented before him a beautiful maidservant. When he saw her, he turned his eyes to the wall so he would not see her. And he sat and recited his learning the whole night. In the morning, the maidservant left and complained to her mistress: I would rather die than be given to that man! The matron sent for him and said to him: Why didn’t you do with this woman as all people do? He said to her: What can I do? I come from the lineage of the high priest, from a great family! I said to myself, Perhaps I will sleep with her and increase mamzerim in Israel! When she heard this, she commanded he be released with great honor. (And they say:) Do not be surprised at Rabbi Tzadok. For behold, Rabbi Akiva was greater than him! When he went to Rome, informers slandered him to a local prefect, who then presented before him two beautiful women. [The prefect] bathed and anointed them dressed them up like brides, and they fell upon [Rabbi Akiva] the whole night. This one said: Come to me! And that one said: Come to me! But he sat between them and spat, and would not turn to them. They went before the prefect and said to him: We would rather die than be given to that man! He sent for [Rabbi Akiva] and said to him: Why didn’t you do with those women as all people do with women? Weren’t they beautiful? And weren’t they human beings just like you? Didn’t the One who created you create them as well? [Rabbi Akiva] said: What could I do? Their scent was worse to me than carcasses and vermin! And do not be surprised at Rabbi Akiva....
[However,] I reflected about all the living who walk under the sun with that youthful successor who steps into his place.
There was no end to all the house of Israel, to all the righteous before whom he ruled; but they advised him in their wisdom to lighten their yoke, and he in his folly went and took counsel with the youth, and they in their folly, advised him to make heavier the yoke of his kingdom upon the people of the house of Israel, and he left the advice of the aged, and followed the advice of the latter; but these latter ones were afterwards confounded and displeased with him, and they caused him to flee, so that the ten tribes should separate from him; and the wicked Jeroboam ruled over them; I said this too is vanity for Rehoboam my son, and breaking of spirit to him.
Be not overeager to go to the House of God: more acceptable is obedience than the offering of fools, for they know nothing [but] to do wrong.
A person should not enter the Temple Mount with money bundled in his cloak, and with dust on his feet, and with his money-belt tied on him on the outside as it is said, “Watch your feet when you go to the House of God …” (Ecclesiastes 4:17)
(Not a translation, but an explanation) -
In the 1060s, the community of Morocco was reeling from the radical persecutions of the Almohadin Moslems, who demanded that Jews either leave, convert, or die. This led many people to practice Judaism secretly, the predecessors of the famous Marranos. They rationalized their public adherence to Islam by saying that Islam is not idol worship. However, a certain sage wrote to them and said that they are all idol worshippers who are constantly transgressing the Torah, and they will therefore not receive reward for their Mitzvot done in secret. Additionally, he declared that anyone who even says that Mohammed is a true prophet is considered a denier of God’s existence. This made many people in the Moroccan community decide either to give themselves up or die Al Kiddush Hashem (In Sanctification of God’s name), or convert to Islam.
The Rambam was furious about this sage’s remarks, which he found totally incorrect, and wrote a letter of reassurance to the Jews of Morocco refuting these remarks. In the letter, he rebuked the sage’s ignorance, and told the Jews of Morocco that they had not transgressed these serious prohibitions and were, in fact, allowed to live this double life under the circumstances. However, he advised them to leave and find a place where they could freely practice the Mitzvot. The Rambam wrote this letter at the age of twenty-seven.
In the letter, Rambam quotes our verse in his condemnation of the wordy opinion by the first rabbi who, he said, showed his ignorance by using so many words to express it. That first rabbi made no distinction between people voluntarily worshipping idols and those who were under the threat of death by sword if they didn't outwardly embrace Islam, and Rambam writes that this is a serious error.
[...] לְפִיכָךְ רָאוּי לְמִי שֶׁרוֹצֶה לְכַוֵּן אָרְחוֹתָיו לְהִתְרַחֵק מִישִׁיבָתָן וּמִלְּדַבֵּר עִמָּהֶן כְּדֵי שֶׁלֹּא יִתָּפֵס אָדָם בְּרֶשֶׁת רְשָׁעִים וְסִכְלוּתָם. וְזֶה דֶּרֶךְ יְשִׁיבַת הַלֵּצִים הָרְשָׁעִים בַּתְּחִלָּה מַרְבִּין בְּדִבְרֵי הֲבַאי כָּעִנְיָן שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (קהלת ה ב) "וְקוֹל כְּסִיל בְּרֹב דְּבָרִים". וּמִתּוֹךְ כָּךְ בָּאִין לְסַפֵּר בִּגְנוּת הַצַּדִּיקִים כָּעִנְיָן שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (תהילים לא יט) "תֵּאָלַמְנָה שִׂפְתֵי שָׁקֶר הַדֹּבְרוֹת עַל צַדִּיק עָתָק". וּמִתּוֹךְ כָּךְ יִהְיֶה לָהֶן הֶרְגֵּל לְדַבֵּר בַּנְּבִיאִים וְלָתֵת דֹּפִי בְּדִבְרֵיהֶם כָּעִנְיָן שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברי הימים ב לו טז) "וַיִּהְיוּ מַלְעִבִים בְּמַלְאֲכֵי הָאֱלֹהִים וּבוֹזִים דְּבָרָיו וּמִתַּעְתְּעִים בִּנְבִאָיו". וּמִתּוֹךְ כָּךְ בָּאִין לְדַבֵּר בֵּאלֹהִים וְכוֹפְרִין בָּעִקָּר כָּעִנְיָן שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (מלכים ב יז ט) "וַיְחַפְּאוּ בְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל דְּבָרִים אֲשֶׁר לֹא כֵן עַל ה' אֱלֹהֵיהֶם". וַהֲרֵי הוּא אוֹמֵר (תהילים עג ט) "שַׁתּוּ בַשָּׁמַיִם פִּיהֶם וּלְשׁוֹנָם תִּהֲלַךְ בָּאָרֶץ" מִי גָּרַם לָהֶם לָשִׁית בַּשָּׁמַיִם פִּיהֶם לְשׁוֹנָם שֶׁהָלְכָה תְּחִלָּה בָּאָרֶץ. זוֹ הִיא שִׂיחַת הָרְשָׁעִים שֶׁגּוֹרֶמֶת לָהֶן יְשִׁיבַת קְרָנוֹת וִישִׁיבַת כְּנֵסִיּוֹת שֶׁל עַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ וִישִׁיבַת בָּתֵּי מִשְׁתָּאוֹת עִם שׁוֹתֵי שֵׁכָר. אֲבָל שִׂיחַת כְּשֵׁרֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אֵינָהּ אֶלָּא בְּדִבְרֵי תּוֹרָה וְחָכְמָה. לְפִיכָךְ הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא עוֹזֵר עַל יָדָן וּמְזַכֶּה אוֹתָן בָּהּ. שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (מלאכי ג טז) "אָז נִדְבְּרוּ יִרְאֵי ה' אִישׁ אֶל רֵעֵהוּ וַיַּקְשֵׁב ה' וַיִּשְׁמָע וַיִּכָּתֵב סֵפֶר זִכָּרוֹן לְפָנָיו לְיִרְאֵי ה' וּלְחשְׁבֵי שְׁמוֹ": סְלִיקוּ לְהוּ הִלְכוֹת טֻמְאַת צָרַעַת
[...]It is therefore proper for one who would steer his course of life aright to shun their company [of foolish gossipers] and refrain from talking with them, that he should not be caught in the net of evil and arrogant men. The company of wicked mockers follows this usage: At the outset, they indulge in much idle talk, as it is written: "A fool's voice comes with a multitude of words" (Ecclesiastes 5:2). Thereupon they fall into discrediting the upright, as it is written: "Let dumbness strike the lying lips that speak insolence against the just" (Psalm 31:19). Then they get into the habit of talking against the prophets and discrediting their words, as it is written: "They mocked God's messengers, despised his words, and derided his prophets" (II Chronicles 36:16). Then they come to speak against God and to deny the very principle of religion, as it is written: "The Israelites devised things that were not right against the Lord their God" (II Kings 17:9). It is written moreover: "They set their mouthings against heaven, and their tongue roams the earth" (Psalm 73:9). What caused them to set their mouthings against heaven? Their tongue, which first roamed the earth. Such is the conversation of the wicked, occasioned by their sitting at street corners, the meeting places of the ignorant, and the company of drunkards in the taverns. The conversation of worthy Jews, on the other hand, is permeated with words of Torah and wisdom. For this reason, God lends them aid and bestows wisdom upon them, as it is written: "When those who revered the Lord spoke to each other, the Lord heeded and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who revered the Lord and adhered to him" (Malachi 3:16).
This is as it is taught in a baraita with regard to the verse “Better that you should not vow, than that you should vow and not pay” (Ecclesiastes 5:4), that better than both this and that is one who does not take a vow at all. This is the statement of Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Yehuda says: Better than both this and that is one who vows and pays. Consequently, Rabbi Meir advocates abstaining from all vows and Rabbi Yehuda advocates making vows and fulfilling them, but neither of them distinguishes between vows and gift offerings. The mishna, however, indicates that virtuous people do not make vows but do bring gift offerings.
Don’t let your mouth bring you into disfavor, and don’t plead before the messenger that it was an error, but fear God; else God may be angered by your talk and destroy your possessions.
Don't let, etc. - Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi likened this verse to those who proclaim charity in public but do not give.
And don't plead before the messenger - this is the hazan.
that it was an error - I changed my mind.
lest God be angered by your talk - your talk in which you pledged to give. [...]
Similarly, Rabbi Ḥanan said: Even if the master of dreams, in a true dream, an angel tells a person that tomorrow he will die, he should not prevent himself from praying for mercy, as it is stated: “For in the multitude of dreams and vanities there are many words; but fear God” (Ecclesiastes 5:6). Although the dream may seem real to him, that is not necessarily the case, and one must place his trust in God.
And he who loves abundance. Of many commandments.
Sweet is the sleep of the laborer. One who tills the soil sleeps, and he enjoys his sleep, whether he eats little or a lot, for he is already used to it. But the satiety of the rich...
will not permit him to sleep. But the satiety of possessions of the rich man, who owns much merchandise, does not allow him to sleep because he thinks about it all night. Another explanation: The year [Hebrew: shnat, translated above as "sleep"] of the one who serves God is sweet; whether he has a short life or a long life, he will partake of his reward, the one [who lives few years] like the one who [lives] many [years]. [E.g.,] Moshe led Yisrael forty years, and Shmuel the prophet led them ten years, and Scripture equates them one to another, as it is stated, “Moshe and Aharon among His kohanim, and Shmuel among those who invoke His name, etc.” So is it expounded upon in Tanchuma.
Another grave evil is this: He must depart just as he came. As he came out of his mother’s womb, so must he depart at last, naked as he came. He can take nothing of his wealth to carry with him.
Besides, all his days he eats in darkness, with much vexation and grief and anger.
And behold that which I have seen good for people, and that which is comely for them to do in this world, that they eat and drink from their labours, in order not to put forth the hand to oppression and rapine, and to keep the words of the law, and to have compassion on the poor, so that they may see good in all their labours wherewith they labour in this world under the sun, the number of the days of a man's life, which God in his providence gives to him; for this is his portion, and none's beside him.
To take his share. At his death, that he merited to engage in Torah [study] and in [the performance of] commandments during his life, which will enable him to receive reward.
Does not give him the power. Because he did not achieve [knowledge of] Gemara, he consequently has no benefit from his studies in any practical decision-making [literally, teaching].
Rabbi Abba bar Kahana went to a certain place where he found Rabbi Levi sitting and preaching: A man to whom God gives riches, and properties, and honor, and nothing is missing of anything he might desire, but God does not let him take possession to eat from it, for a stranger will eat from it. Riches, that is Scripture. Properties, these are laws. And honor, these are the additions. And nothing is missing of anything he might desire, these are the great Mishnah collections, such as the Mishnah of Rabbi Ḥuna, the Mishnah of Rabbi Hoshaia, or the Mishnah of Bar Qappara. But God does not let him take possession to eat from it, that is the master of Aggadah who neither prohibits nor permits, neither declares impure nor pure. For a stranger will eat from it, that is the master of Talmud. Rabbi Abba bar Kahana got up and kissed him on his head, saying, just as you were worthy to preach this standing, may you be worthy preaching this sitting.
Even if a man should beget a hundred children and live many years—no matter how many the days of his years may come to, if his gullet [nafsho, which in the Bible means "body" but later comes to mean "soul"] is not sated through his wealth, I say: The stillbirth, though it was not even accorded a burial, is more fortunate than he.
And his soul is not sated. From that goodness, for he is not happy with his portion, to be satisfied with what is his.
According to the Midrash, this phrase refers to the soul which comes from Above and is not sated with physical pleasures. Rather, its needs are spiritual, e.g., studying Torah, performing mitzvot and doing good deeds.
נחת לזה מזה. משל לשני בני אדם שהיו באים בספינה, כשהגיעו לחוף ירד אחד מהם ונכנס למדינה וראה שם כמה מאכלים ומשקים ושלוה ומנוחה, כשחזר לספינה אמר לו חבירו מה ראית שם, אמר לו, ראיתי כמה מאכלים ומשקים ושלוה ומנוחה, אמר לו, כלום נהנית מהם, אמר ליה, לא, אמר ליה, אם כן נוח לי שלא עליתי ולא ראיתי, הדא הוא דכתיב נחת לזה מזה. (שם)
Better off than he - it is like a parable, with two men on a ship. When they reached the shore, one got off and saw various kinds of food and drink and rest and tranquility. When he returned to the ship, his friend asked him what he saw. He answered, "I saw various kinds of food and drink and rest and tranquility." His friend asked, "Didn't you enjoy any of them?" "No," he said. "In that case," his friend responded, "I'm better off for not going and not seeing...."
Though he live. And if he had lived two thousand years, what advantage would he have, since he did not experience any pleasure? Will he not ultimately return to the dust like all the poor people?
All of man’s earning is for the sake of his mouth, yet his gullet [as above, nafsho, which means body and later comes to mean soul] is not sated.
Yet his appetite is never filled. This is a question; i.e., but this one, did he not even gratify his desire with a small pleasure? This is similar to, “I will satisfy my lust with them,” an expression of attaining a desire. And since this is so ... [see next verse]
What advantage then has the wise man over the fool, what advantage has the pauper who knows how to get on in life?
Whatever happens, it was designated long ago and it was known that it would happen; as for man [Hebrew: Adam], he cannot contend with what is stronger than he.
Whatever has been has already been named. The stature and greatness that had been established during his [according to the Midrash, this refers to Adam] lifetime, “has already been named,” i.e., it already was and passed, he already had attained fame, and now it has passed, and it was made known that he was a man and not god, and his end was that he died, and he was unable to strive with the angel of death, who is more powerful than he.
Which he spends. Those deeds, in the limited time that he lives, for this time is as short as the shadow of a passing bird, and although Solomon said, “like a shadow,” in general, and did not specify whether the shadow of a palm tree, or the shadow of a wall, which are permanent, his father David had already explained it, “his days are like a passing shadow,” that this is the shadow of a flying bird. It is thus expounded in this manner in the Midrash.
The theme of this section is that the value of life lies in what is accomplished, so that it is more appropriate to celebrate the end of a person's journey than its beginning. However, external accomplishment is not emphasized -- building, acquiring or even planting -- but rather the transformation of one's character, which can be accomplished using the challenges and opportunities which are afforded to us. Hence, by paying attention to what looks important in death, one can improve the heart.
A person will ultimately die and an animal will ultimately be slaughtered, and all are destined for death. Therefore, death itself is not a cause for great anguish.
Rather, happy is he who grew up in Torah, whose labor is in Torah,
who gives pleasure to his Creator,
who grew up with a good name and who took leave of the world with a good name.
Such a person lived his life fully, and about him, Solomon said:
“A good name is better than fine oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s birth” (Ecclesiastes 7:1); one who was faultless in life reaches the day of his death on a higher level than he was at the outset.
Than to go to a house of feasting. [Where] the type of conduct serves only the living.
Upon going to a house of mourning, a person realizes that he, too, will be mourned when his time comes. This will cause him to be humbled and make him aware of sin. (Metsudat David)
For that is the end of all men. Because mourning marks the end of every person. Every person will ultimately come to this. Therefore, the living should take it to heart: whatever kindness I bestow upon the dead, I will need to be bestowed upon me upon my death. He who raises his voice in lamentation, they will raise their voices in lamentation for him; he who bears the dead, they will bear him; he who eulogizes, they will eulogize him; he who escorts the dead, they will escort him.
The heart of the wise mourns over the destruction of the Temple, and grieves over the captivity of the house of Israel; and the heart of fools is in the joy of the house of their scoffings; they eat and drink and fare sumptuously, and do not take to heart the affliction of their brethren.
טוב לשמוע וגו'. טוב לשמוע גערת חכם – אלו הדרשנים , מאיש שומע שיר כסילים – אלו המתורגמנין שמגביהין קולן בשיר להשמיע את העם . (מ"ר)
Better to listen, etc. - Better to listen to the rebuke of a sage - these are the preachers. Than to hear the sound of fools - these are the translators, who raise their voices when singing for all to hear.
Under a pot. Under a copper pot turned over a fire of thorns, and they rattle into it. Rabbi Yehoshua the son of Levi said, that all [other] woods when they are kindled, their sound does not travel [far], but when thorns are kindled, their sound travels [far], as if to say, “We, too, are of wood”. They publicize, “We too are wood, and we are needed.” So do fools speak excessively, [as if] to say, “We, too, are important.”
Better a patient spirit than a haughty spirit.
Better the end of a thing than the beginning thereof, for in its beginning man knows not what its end will be, but the end of a good thing is known to a good man; and better before the Lord is a man who rules over his spirit and subdues his thoughts, than a man who walks in the pride of his spirit.
Another explanation: Better is the end of a matter than its beginning. When it is good from its beginning, [i.e.,] that they had good intentions when they started it...
We have a tradition based on Tana de bey Eliyahu Rabbah chapter 5 that when someone concludes his life on earth in a happy frame of mind his entire life may be considered as having been a happy one...Solomon has expressed a similar thought in Kohelet 7,8 when he said that "a good ending is better than a good beginning." [...]
It is good to have wisdom, etc. Their wisdom stood for them together with the heritage of the merit of their forefathers, for wisdom is good.
For as a man is sheltered under the shadow of wisdom, so he is sheltered under the shadow of money, when he does alms with it; and the advantage of knowing the wisdom of the law is that it raises its possessor from the grave for the world to come.
All this I saw in the days of my vanity, that from the Lord are decreed good and evil to be in the world, according to the planets under which the children of men are created; for there is a righteous man perishing in his righteousness in this world, and his merit is kept for him for the world to come; and there is a wicked man who prolongs his days in his guilt, and the account of his evil doings is kept for him for the world to come, to be requited for it in the day of the great judgment.
טוב אשר תאחז וגו׳. טוב אשר תאחז בזה – זה מקרא, וגם מזה אל תנח ידך – זו משנה, כי ירא אלהים יצא את כולם, כגון ר׳ אבהו בקסרין .
It is best that you grasp, etc. - this is Scripture. Without letting go of the other - this is Mishnah. For one who fears God will do his duty by both - like Rabbi Abahu in Caesarea.
Wisdom is more of a stronghold to a wise man than ten magnates that a city may contain.
For there is no righteous man in the land, who does good all his days, and sins not before the Lord; but the man who sins before the Lord, it behooves him to return in repentance before he dies.
See, this is what I have found, says Kohelet, adding one to another to find an accounting. All the commandments that the righteous perform, and the transgressions that the wicked commit, are counted before the Holy One, Blessed Is He, one [is placed next] to the other, and they combine to a large amount. So did our Rabbis explain it in Tractate Sotah.
There is another thing which my soul is still seeking, and I have not found, namely, a perfect and just man, without any corruption, as Abraham; from the days of the first Adam till the righteous Abraham was born, who was found faithful and just among the thousand kings that gathered together to build the tower of Babel? And a woman like Sarah, among all the wives of those kings, I have not found.
But, see, this I did find: God made men plain [lit: honest or straight], but they have engaged in too much reasoning.
Truth is one. For example: Saying of a silver vessel that it is a silver vessel is the truth. But saying that it is a gold vessel is false. We see that the truth is one, because the only true statement one can make [about its substance] is that it is a silver vessel. Nothing more. Falsehood, on the other hand, is manifold. It could be said that it is a gold vessel, or a copper vessel, or any other designation. We see then that falsehood is the aspect of “they chased after many intrigues” (Ecclesiastes 7:29).
Who is like the wise man, and who knows the meaning of the adage:
“A man’s wisdom lights up his face,
So that his deep discontent is dissembled”?
And who knows how to interpret things. As we find with Daniel, because of his wisdom - for he was wise in the fear of Heaven - secret solutions were revealed to him.
[Alternatively, reading pesher as compromise] Who is like Moshe, who brought about compromises between Israel and their Father in Heaven?
רִבִּי יוּדָה בֵּירִבִּי אִילַעִאי שָׁתִי אַרְבַּעְתֵי כַסּוֹי דְּלֵילֵי פִסְחָא וְחַזִּיק רֵישֵׁיהּ עַד חַגָּא. חַמְתֵּיהּ חָדָא מַטְרוֹנָה אַפּוֹי נְהִירִין. אָֽמְרָה לֵיהּ. סַבָּא סַבָּא. חָדָא מִן תְּלַת מִילִּין אִית בָּךְ. אוֹ שְׁתֻיי חֲמַר אַתְּ. אוֹ מַלְוֶה בְרִיבִּית אַתְּ. אוֹ מְגַדֵּל חֲזִירִים אַתְּ. אֲמַר לָהּ. תִּיפַּח רוּחָהּ דַּהִיא אִיתְּתָא. חָדָא מִן אִילֵּין תַּלְתֵּי מִילַּייָא לֵית בִּי. אֶלָּא אוּלְפָּנִי שְׁכִיחַ לִי. דִּכְתִיב חָכְמַ֤ת אָדָם֙ תָּאִ֣יר פָּנָ֔יו. רִבִּי אַבָּהוּ נְחַת לְטִיבֵּרְיָּא. חְמוֹנֵיהּ תַּלְמִידוֹי דְרִבִּי יוֹחָנָן אַפּוֹי נְהִירִין. אָֽמְרוּן קוֹמֵי רִבִּי יוֹחָנָן. אַשְׁכַּח רִבִּי אַבָּהוּ סִימָא. אֲמַר לוֹן. לָמָּה. אָֽמְרִין לֵיהּ. אַפּוֹי נְהִירִין. אֲמַר לוֹן. דִּילְמָא אוֹרַיְתָא חַדְּתָא שְׁמַע. סְלִיק לְגַבֵּיהּ. אֲמַר לֵיהּ. מַאי אוֹרַיְתָא חַדְּתָא שְׁמַעְתָּ. אֲמַר לֵיהּ. תוֹסֶפְתָּא עַתִּיקְתָא. וּקְרָא עֲלוֹי. חָכְמַ֤ת אָדָם֙ תָּאִ֣יר פָּנָ֔יו.
Rebbi Yehudah bar Ilai drank his four cups in the Passover night and had a headache until Sukkot. A lady saw that his face was shiny. She said to him, old man, old man, one of three things applies to you. Either you are drunk from wine, or you are lending on interest, or you are raising pigs. He answered her, this woman’s spirit shall be blown away, not one of these three things applies to me, but my learning is ever present with me, as it is written, a man’s wisdom illuminates his face. Rabbi Abbahu descended to Tiberias. The students of Rabbi Joḥanan saw that his face was shining. They said before Rabbi Yoḥanan, Rabbi Abbahu found a treasure. He asked them, why? They told him, his face is shining. He said to them, maybe he understood a new teaching. He came to visit him. He asked him, what new teaching did you hear? He said, an old Tosephta. He recited about him, a man’s wisdom illuminates his face.
I do! “Obey the king’s orders—and don’t rush into uttering an oath by God.”
And do so because of the oath to God. Which we swore to Him at Horev, to keep His commandments.
Leave his presence; do not tarry in a dangerous situation, for he can do anything he pleases;
And in the time of the anger of the Lord do not cease to pray before him, tremble before him, go and pray and seek mercy from him, because you can not stand in an evil matter; for the Lord of all worlds, the Lord, will do what he pleases.
A wise man, however, will bear in mind that there is a time of doom.
Rav Ḥinnana bar Idi said: Anyone who performs a mitzvah as it was commanded, others do not apprise him of bad tidings, as it is stated: “He who keeps the commandment shall know no evil thing” (Ecclesiastes 8:5).
These are the wishes of one’s wife: Rabbi Eliezer said: He should speak seductively to her at the time of intercourse. Rabbi Judah said: He should make her happy at the time when he is engaged in fulfilling the commandment towards her, as it is stated, One who keeps the commandment [for husbands to satisfy their wives] shall know no evil thing.
For every matter. When a person does what he likes and transgresses the law, a time to exact retribution [is cast], and justice and punishment are made ready.
There is no man that has power over the wind to retain the wind; neither has he power over the day of death; and there is no discharge in war; neither shall wickedness deliver him that is given to it.
Man has no power over the spirit. Over the spirit and inclination of the emissary of the Omnipresent [i.e. the angel of death], to retain and withhold from him the spirit in his body, so that the angel of death should not take it.
He has no power. [The power] of any king [is not] discernable on the day of his death. Everywhere [in Scripture] you find [that David is referred to as], “King David,” but on the day of his death [it states], “And the days of David drew near that he should die,” and no kingship is mentioned here.
Nor dispatch in battle. By saying, “I will send my son or my servant instead of me.”
And I applied my heart to [understand] all the work. And also to all mankind’s work I applied my mind, and I saw the time that a man ruled over another and overpowered him, and ultimately it turned to his own detriment. Amalek overpowered Israel, and ultimately [it states about Amalek], “and his end will be that he will be lost forever.” And the same happened to Pharaoh, and the same with Nebuchadnezzar, and the same with Sanheriv.
And then I saw scoundrels coming from the Holy Site and being brought to burial, while such as had acted righteously were forgotten in the city.
And here is another frustration:
I have seen how the wicked were buried. In this prophecy, I saw wicked men buried, who were worthy of being buried in the dust, for they were held in contempt by the nations, about whom it is stated, “this people has never been,” and they ruled over the house [the Temple] of the Holy One, Blessed Is He, which is a holy place. And when they went from there to their land, they boasted in their city that they did such and such in the house of the Omnipresent. Do not read ‘וְיִשְׁתַּכְּחוּ’, [=and they will be forgotten,] but ‘וְיִשְׁתַּבְּחוּ’, [=and they will boast]. So did our Rabbis of blessed memory expound it.
Concerning the forgetting, it is expounded as follows in the Aggadah: And ultimately, their name and their remembrance will be forgotten from that very city, that they did so therein, as it is stated, “I will gather all the nations [and I will take them down] to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.” In the place where they angered Him, He will mete out retribution upon them, and so it states, “O Lord, in the city, You will despise their form.”
Because the execution of sentence. Punishment for the evil deeds [is not done] quickly. For the Holy One, Blessed Is He, does not rush to exact retribution from the evildoers, and therefore, they think that there is no judgment, and they are encouraged to do evil.
[...] I know that it will be well in the world to come for those who fear the Lord...and do his will;
§ Rabbi Elazar said: Any Torah scholar who does not stand before his teacher is called wicked, and he will not live a long life, and his studies will be forgotten, as it is stated: “But it shall not be well for the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow, because he does not fear before [millifnei] God” (Ecclesiastes 8:13)...
There are righteous men. To whom evil happens [as though] they acted wickedly, and there are wicked to whom good happens [as though] they acted righteously. I said that this too is one of the vanities that prevails in the world. However, our Rabbis expounded it in a different manner in Tractate Horayot, but I am not satisfied with the words that the wise man concludes by saying, “This too is vanity.”
Rejoicing. That he should be happy with in his lot and engage in the upright commands that cause the heart to rejoice, and he should not be immersed in increasing his wealth by means of usury, interest and robbery. Whoever is not happy with his lot and is immersed in amassing wealth, eventually commits the sins of robbery, fraud, and usury. Also, one who is not happy with his lot in love for his wife is immersed in [a passionate lust for] women, and harbors sinful thoughts about married women.
To eat and drink. From that which the Holy One, Blessed Is He, graciously granted him, and to be happy with his lot. And the Midrash Aggadah [states], that all mention of “eating and drinking” in Kohelet refers only to the study of Torah...
none! For the same fate is in store for all: for the righteous, and for the wicked; for the good and pure, and for the impure; for him who sacrifices, and for him who does not; for him who is pleasing, and for him who is displeasing; and for him who swears, and for him who shuns oaths.
There is no death without sin, as it is written: “The soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him” (Ezekiel 18:20). A person dies only because of his own sins and not because of some preexistent sin. And there is no suffering without iniquity, as it is written: “Then I will punish their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with strokes” (Psalms 89:33).
The Gemara raises an objection from the following baraita: The ministering angels said before the Holy One, Blessed be He: Master of the Universe, why did You penalize Adam, the first man, with the death penalty? He said to them: I gave him a simple mitzvah, and he violated it. They said to Him: Didn’t Moses and Aaron, who observed the whole Torah in its entirety, nevertheless die? The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to them, citing the verse: “All things come alike to all; there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him who sacrifices, and to him who does not sacrifice; as is the good, so is the sinner; and he who swears, as he who fears an oath” (Ecclesiastes 9:2). Apparently, death is not dependent upon one’s actions. Everyone dies.
The Gemara answers: Rav Ami stated his position in accordance with this tanna, as it was taught in a baraita: Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar said: Even Moses and Aaron died due to their sin, as it is stated: “And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron: Because you did not believe in [better: were not faithful to] Me, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this congregation in to the land which I have given them” (Numbers 20:12). Had you believed in [better: been faithful to] Me and spoken to the rock as commanded, your time would not yet have come to leave the world. Apparently, even Moses and Aaron died due to their sins.
All things come alike to all. All perceive that the same event happens to all mankind, and they know that ultimately each person is recompensed according to his ways.
The hearts of men are filled with evil. For they say that there is no judgment of retribution for the wicked. Everything is attributed to chance, sometimes for the righteous, and sometimes for the wicked.
For he who is reckoned among the living has something to look forward to—even a live dog is better than a dead lion—
For to him that is joined to all the living, there is hope. For as long as he lives, even if he is wicked and he associates with the wicked... there is hope that he will repent before his death.
For the lowliest person, as long as he is alive, can grow spiritually, whereas the wisest and most righteous who are dead cannot. (Metsudat David)
Note that the word “yevuhar” is read as “yehubar”. The first would mean the one who chooses life entirely; the second means who is joined to life entirely. Both meanings work in this context. Some might suggest that the source of value in the world is life itself. However, Kohelet hints that if life is all that counts, then is this value superior to the value of nobility, beauty, integrity or self sacrifice?
Surely the security which is afforded by the simple view that life is to be preferred above all is an illusion. Even people who believe this certainly die, and focusing on preserving life only, they are likely to forego their opportunity to be remembered for the noble traits which they could have cultivated.
Alternatively, the translation could be rendered, “The dog has a good life because of the lion that died.” In other words, the dead lion provides opportunity for the living dog, and the wellbeing of the dog is due to the efforts and understanding of the dead lion rather than his own achievement. This interpretation is parallel to the sense of 2:18,19 where the one who rules over all of my achievements and accomplishments may well be a fool. Even if I am a great lion, my inheritor may be a living dog.
For the living know that they will die. And perhaps they will be mindful of the day of death, and they will repent of their ways, but once they die, they do not know anything, and they no longer earn reward for the actions that they do from their death and onwards, for “whoever toils on Friday will [have what to] eat on Shabbat.”
[Also] their jealousy. That they made the Holy One, Blessed Is He, jealous with the [idolatrous] work of their hands.
Solomon said by the spirit of prophecy from before the Lord, “The Master of the World will say to all the righteous ones individually, 'Go eat in joy your bread which was given to you, for the bread which you gave to the poor and the needy who were hungry, and drink with a happy heart your wine which is hidden for you in the Garden of Eden, in exchange for the wine which you mixed for the poor and needy who were thirsty. For God has already accepted your good deeds.'"
עשר נסיונות נתנסה אברהם אבינו לפני הקב״ה ובכולן נמצא שלם אלו הן שנים בלך לך ב׳ בשתי בניו ב׳ בשתי נשיו אחד עם המלכים ואחד בין הבתרים אחד באור כשדים ואחד בברית מילה (בין הבתרים). וכל כך למה כדי שכשיבא אברהם אבינו ליטול שכרו שיהיו המלאכים אומרים יותר מכולנו יותר מכל שוה אברהם אבינו ליטול שכרו שנא׳ (קהלת ט׳:ז׳) לך אכול בשמחה לחמך ושתה בלב טוב יינך. כנגד עשר נסיונות שנתנסה אברהם אבינו ובכולן נמצא שלם וכנגדן עשה הקב״ה י׳ נסים לבניו במצרים כנגדן הביא עשר מכות כנגדן נעשו לישראל עשרה נסים על הים כנגדן הביא עשר מכות על המצריים בים.
Abraham our forefather was tested with ten trials before the Holy Blessed One, and he emerged from each one complete....
And why so many? So that when Abraham our forefather comes to take his reward, the angels will say: More than us, more than anyone, Abraham deserves his reward, as it says (Ecclesiastes 9:7), “Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart.”
Because Abraham was tested with ten trials [nisionot], and emerged from each one complete, the Holy Blessed One performed ten miracles [nissim] for his children in Egypt, and brought ten plagues, and performed ten more miracles at the sea, and brought ten more plagues upon the Egyptians at the sea....
The Gemara asks: And are non-Jews not rewarded for fulfilling those [seven Noahide] mitzvot? But isn’t it taught in a baraita that Rabbi Meir would say: From where is it derived that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest? The verse states: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, which if a person do, and shall live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). It is not stated: Priests, Levites, and Israelites, but rather the general term “person.” From here you learn that even a gentile who engages in the study of Torah is like a High Priest. This demonstrates that gentiles are rewarded for fulfilling mitzvot, despite the fact that they are not commanded to do so.
At all times let your garments be white without all stain of sin, and acquire a good name, which is compared to anointing oil, so that blessing may come upon your head and your goodness will not be lacking.
At all times, let your garments be white. Prepare yourself at all times with good deeds, so that if you die today, you will enter [the Hereafter] in peace. And Shlomo likened this to a man whom the king invited for a day of feast, without setting a date for him. If he is wise or clever, he will immediately launder his garments, bathe, and anoint himself. And similarly [he will do] tomorrow until such time that he will be summoned to the feast, all this time his garments are white [=laundered] and he is bathed and anointed. So did our Rabbis expound it in Tractate Shabbat.
The baraita further states that a father is commanded to teach his son a trade. The Gemara asks: From where do we derive this? Ḥizkiyya said: As the verse states: “Enjoy life with the wife whom you love” (Ecclesiastes 9:9). If this verse is interpreted literally, and it is referring to an actual woman, then one can derive as follows: Just as a father is obligated to marry his son to a woman, so too, he is obligated to teach him a trade, as indicated by the term: Life. And if the wife mentioned in this verse is allegorical, and it is the Torah, then one should explain the verse in the following manner: Just as he is obligated to teach him Torah, so too, he is obligated to teach him a trade.
Whatever charity your hand finds to do, do for the needy with all your strength, for after death a man has neither work nor reckoning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave where you are going and nothing will help you but good deeds and charity alone.
The race is not won by the swift,
Nor the battle by the valiant;
Nor is bread won by the wise,
Nor wealth by the intelligent,
Nor favor by the learned.
For the time of mischance comes to all.
Present in the city was a poor wise man who might have saved it with his wisdom, but nobody thought of that poor man.
A poor man’s wisdom is scorned,
And his words are not heeded.
Words spoken softly by wise men are heeded sooner than those shouted by a lord in folly.
The words of the silent prayer of the sages are accepted by the Master of World more than the acceptance of the wicked man who rules over fools who entreats but is not accepted.
More than the shouts of a ruler of fools. Moshe passed away many years ago, yet his decrees are still accepted by Israel, and how many kings of the nations issue decrees over Israel, but their words do not endure.
Silence is a fence around wisdom (Avot 3:13); therefore shall one not reply in haste, and not speak much. One shall instruct his disciples with forebearance and calmness, without shouting and without circumlocution. That is what Solomon said: "The words of the wise men, spoken quietly, are heard" (Ecc. 9.17).
Wisdom is more valuable than weapons of war, but a single error [or: sinner] destroys much of value.
A person should view himself as though he were exactly half-liable and half-meritorious. In other words he should act as though the plates of his scale are balanced, so that if he performs one mitzva he is fortunate, as he tilts his balance to the scale of merit. If he transgresses one prohibition, woe to him, as he tilts his balance to the scale of liability, as it is stated: “But one sin destroys much good” (Ecclesiastes 9:18), which means that due to one sin that a person transgresses he squanders much good.
Dead flies decay and pollute, etc. [...]
So an insignificant thing spoiled a precious thing. So does a little foolishness outweigh wisdom and honor, for it outweighed them all. Suppose that a man was equally divided with transgressions and merits, and he came and committed one transgression, which tipped the scale [causing him] to be guilty. The result is that this foolishness which is small, is heavy and weighs, and is heavier than all the wisdom and honor that he possessed, for behold, it outweighed them all.
The heart of the wise is to attain the Torah which is given by the right hand of God, and the heart of the fools is to get possession of gold and silver.
If the wrath of a lord flares up against you, don’t give up your post; for when wrath abates, grave offenses are pardoned.
If the spirit of the yetzer hara (evil inclination) rules over you and grows strong to overcome you, do not leave your good place where you used to stay, for the words of the Torah were created as a cure in the world so that great sins may be forgiven and forgotten before God.
There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, like an error which proceedeth from a ruler:
Folly is set upon great heights. This is the evil that is like an error which goes forth from before the ruler, that foolishness and wickedness are placed on the loftiest heights, for the Holy One, Blessed Is He, elevated the fools and the wicked, for I see with the Holy Spirit, that they are destined to extend their hand upon His Temple and to make “their signs into signs.”
But the rich sit in low places. Israel, for despite all the greatness and honor that they have now in my days, they are destined to sit in a low place, as it is stated, “they sit on the ground, they are silent.”
I have seen slaves on horses. These are the Chaldeans, about whom it is stated, “this nation never used to be,” will be elevated [to ride] on horses, leading Israel’s captives, bound with neck irons.
Will fall into it. Sometimes he falls into it, i.e., sometimes you have a plotter of evil, and ultimately he is trapped by his own plot, for Nevuchadnetzar’s seed was destroyed through the vessels of the Temple, as it is stated, “you exalted yourself against the Lord of Heaven.”
מַעֲשֶׂה בְּאֶלְעָזָר בֶּן דָּמָא שֶׁנְּשָׁכוֹ נָחָשׁ וּבָא יַעֲקֹב אִישׁ כְּפַר סָמָא לְרַפּוֹתוֹ. אָמַר לוֹ. נֵימָא לָךְ בְּשֵׁם יֵשׁוּ בֶּן פַנְדֵּרָא. אָמַר לוֹ רִבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל. אֵי אַתָּה רַשַּׁאי בֶּן דָּמָא. אָמַר לוֹ. אֲנִי אָבִיא רְאַייָה שֶׁיְּרַפְּאֵינִי. לֹא הִסְפִּיק לְהָבִיא רְאָייָה עַד שֶׁמֵּת. אָמַר לוֹ רִבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל. אַשְׁרֶיךָ בֶּן דָּמָה. שֶׁיָּצָאתָ בְשָׁלוֹם מִן הָעוֹלָם וְלֹא פָרַצְתָּ גְדֵירָן שֶׁלַּחֲכָמִים. לְקַייֵם מַה שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר וּפוֹרֵץ גָּדֵ֖ר יִשְּׁכֶ֥נּוּ נָחָֽשׁ. וְלֹא נָחָשׁ נְשָׁכוֹ. אֶלָּא שֶׁלֹּא יִשְׁכֶּנּוּ לְעָתִד לָבוֹא. וּמַה הֲוָה לֵיהּ לְמֵימַר. אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַֽעֲשֶׂ֥ה אוֹתָם הָֽאָדָ֖ם וָחַ֣י בָּהֶ֑ם
It happened that Eleazar ben Dama was bitten by a snake and Jacob from Kefar-Sama [in the lower Galilee] came to heal him, and told him, I shall speak to you in the name of Jesus ben Pandera.
Rabbi Ishmael [ben Dama's uncle] said to him: ben Dama, you are not allowed! He told him, I shall bring a proof that he can heal me. He could not bring proof before he died.
Rabbi Ishmael said to him, you are blessed, ben Dama, that you left this world in peace and did not tear down the fences of the Sages, confirming what is written, he who tears down a fence will be bitten by a snake.
But did not a snake bite him? But it will not bite him in the Future World. What could he have said? Which a person should do and live by them.
He who quarries stones will be hurt by them; he who splits wood will be harmed by it.
[...]Rav Mesharshiyya says in the name of Rava: What is the meaning of that which is written: “He who quarries stones shall be hurt by them; and he that chops wood shall be warmed thereby” (Ecclesiastes 10:9). “He who quarries stones shall be hurt by them”; these are the masters of Mishna. They exert themselves to memorize the mishnayot, but since one cannot reach practical conclusions from the mishna, they are comparable to one who carries a heavy load without benefiting from it. “He that chops wood shall be warmed thereby”; these are the masters of Talmud, who attain the benefit of their exertions in the form of practical conclusions.
A man cannot know what will happen; who can tell him what the future holds?
Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a boy, And thy princes feast in the morning!
וַי לָךְ אַרְעָא דְּיִשְׂרָאֵל בִּזְמָן דִי יִמְלוֹךְ עֲלָךְ יָרָבְעָם חַיָּבָא וְיַבְטִיל מִינָךְ תַּקְרוֹבְתָּא דְּצַחְרָא וְרַבְרְבָנַיִךְ עַד דְּלָא יִקְרְבוּן תְּמִידָא דְּצַפְרָא יֵיכְלוּן לַחֲמָא:
Woe to you O Land of Israel when the wicked Jeroboam rules over you and abolishes for you the morning sacrifice; while your nobles, before they offer the morning sacrifice, eat bread. ...
Rabbi Dosa ben Hyrcanus would say: Sleeping through the morning, drinking wine in the afternoon, [the chatter of little children, and sitting around in the gathering houses with the common folk; these things drive a person from the world.]
Sleeping through the morning. How so? This teaches that a person should not plan to sleep so late that the time for reciting the Shema will pass. As, if he does sleep that late, he will end up wasting time he could have spent studying Torah, as it says (Proverbs 26:13), (“The door turns on its hinges, but the lazy one is still in his bed.) The lazy one says: There is a leopard in my path. A lion roams the streets.”
Drinking wine in the afternoon. How so? This teaches that a person should not plan to drink in the afternoon, because whenever he does, he ends up wasting all the time he could have spent studying Torah, as it says (Ecclesiastes 10:16), “Woe is the land whose king is a child, and whose ministers eat late in the morning.” [...]
Happy are you O Land of Israel when rules over you Hezekiah the son Ahaz, who is a descendent of the House of David king of Israel, for he is a man strong in Torah who fulfills the commandments of the law; and your nobles after offering the daily sacrifice eat bread at the time of the fourth hour from the labor of their hands, by the strength of Torah and not by sloth nor by blindness of the eye.
Through lazy hands the house caves in.
And money answers all things. Without money, there is no feast; therefore, a person should not neglect work, so that he will have what he needs to spend.
Don’t revile a rich man even in your bedchamber;
For a bird of the air may carry the utterance,
And a winged creature may report the word.
Do not curse the king. Do not provoke the King of the Universe.
Another explanation: According to its apparent meaning, this is a mortal king.
Give your sustaining bread to the poor who go in ships on the face of the water, for after many days there you will find a reward and in the world to come.
There is a story of a certain saint who would regularly give charity. Once he went and sat on a boat, and a wind came along, and his boat sank into the sea. Rabbi Akiva saw it happen, and came before the court to testify that his wife was free to marry again. Before he had a chance to get up, that very man came in and stood before him. [Rabbi Akiva] said: Are you the one who sank in the sea? He replied: Yes. [Rabbi Akiva continued:] And who brought you up out of the sea? He replied: The charity I gave is what brought me up out of the sea. [Rabbi Akiva said:] How do you know that? He replied: When I went down into the depths of the abyss, I heard a voice coming from the roar of the waves, each one saying to the other, Come, let us crash together and raise this man up from the sea, for he gave charity all of his life. Immediately, Rabbi Akiva opened his mouth and said: Blessed is God, the God of Israel, who chose the words of the Torah and the words of the sages, for the words of the Torah and the words of the sages endure forever and ever! For it says (Ecclesiastes 11:1), “Send your bread forth upon the waters, for after many days, you will find it,” and it also says (Proverbs 10:2), “And charity saves from death.”
Cast your bread upon the waters. Do goodness and kindness to a person about whom your heart tells you that you will never see him again, like a person who casts his food upon the water’s surface.
For after many days you will find it. Days will yet come, and you will receive your recompense. Look what is stated about Yitro, “Call him and let him eat bread,” and he thought that he [Moshe] was an Egyptian and that he would never see him again. What happened in the end? He became his son-in-law, and reigned over Israel, and brought him [Yitro] under the wings of the Divine Presence, and his sons and grandsons merited to sit in the Chamber of Hewn Stone.
Cast - this warns one who has [enough] to be generous, with his hands open to those he knows and to those he does not know....
Put a good part of your seeds into your field in Tishri and do not refrain from sowing also in Kislev [alternative reading Marcheshvan], for you do not know what evil will be on the earth, whether the earlier or the later crops will succeed.
For you never know what calamity will come. Perhaps days will yet come and you will need [support from] them all. Then you will be saved from the evil by this charity. And if not now, when?
Our Rabbis, however, said—Contribute to, etc. These are the seven days of creation. Give one of them as a portion to your Creator, by resting on Shabbat. And even to eight. These are the eight days for circumcision.
Another explanation: Contribute to seven. The communal sacrifices of the seven days of Pesach. And even to eight. The eight days of the Festival [=Succot].
For you never know what calamity will come. If the Temple will be destroyed, and you can no longer bring sacrifices, the former sacrifices will avail to annul the evil decree.
Another explanation: For you never know what [calamity] will come. You do not know what has been decreed on the Festival [i.e. Sukkot] regarding the rains, and the sacrifices will avail to annul evil decrees.
If the clouds are filled, they will pour down rain on the earth; and if a tree falls to the south or to the north, the tree will stay where it falls.
If the clouds fill with rain, they pour out their water on the earth, because of the merit of the righteous, and if there is no merit in that generation, they descend upon the sea or the desert so that the people will not have benefit from them. And if it is decreed from Heaven that the king and his advisers are to fall from their rule, it is from the decree of Heaven. And if there is plenty or famine in the south or in the north, the place where that decree exists, there it is sent to be.
The Gemara questions this [whether wine stored with non-Jews can no longer be consumed by Jews, but at least they can derive financial benefit from it, e.g. by selling it]: If that is so, drinking from wine [stored with non-Jews] should also be permitted. As Rabbi Yoḥanan once happened to come to Parod, where the deceased tanna bar Kappara had lived. When he arrived, he said: Is there any Mishna of bar Kappara here? In response, Rabbi Tanḥum of Parod taught him the following baraita, citing bar Kappara: With regard to one who deposits his wine with a gentile, drinking from the wine is permitted.
Upon hearing this, Rabbi Yoḥanan read the following verse about him: “Where the tree falls, there it shall be” (Ecclesiastes 11:3). Does it enter your mind that this means that the tree itself will be there? It is obvious that a fallen tree lands where it falls. Rather, the verse is saying: There its fruits shall be. The verse is a metaphor for a Sage, and its fruits represent his disciples. Rabbi Yoḥanan was intimating that although bar Kappara may have died, Rabbi Tanḥum, his disciple, perpetuates his wisdom.
If the clouds are filled - a metaphor for wealth, which is not given to the wealthy, but is for them to do good for all in need.
A man who cares for sorcery and divination will never do good, and one who looks at the Mazalim [the constellations, i.e. horoscopes] does not collect a reward. For sorcery and divination are like the wind, which cannot be grasped by human hands, and the Mazalim are like the clouds of heaven, which leave and do not return.
Just as you do not know how the breath of the spirit of life enters the body [of an embryo] which is lying in its pregnant mother’s womb, and as you do not know if it will be male or female until the time it is born, so you do not know the work of God, who does everything in His wisdom.
In the days of your youth, marry a wife and get children, and in the time of your old age, do not stop the wife of your portion from giving birth to children, for you do not know which of them is chosen to be good, the one or the other or if both of them will be equally good.
§ The Gemara comments: The mishna is not in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehoshua. As it is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Yehoshua says: If a man married a woman in his youth, and she passed away, he should marry another woman in his old age. If he had children in his youth, he should have more children in his old age, as it is stated: “In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which shall prosper, whether this or that, or whether they both alike shall be good” (Ecclesiastes 11:6). This verse indicates that a man should continue having children even after he has fulfilled the mitzvah to be fruitful and multiply.
Rabbi Dostai son of Rabbi Yannai says: If you decided to plant in the first quarter, go back and plant in the second quarter, for perhaps hail will come down upon the world, and the earlier ones will be destroyed while the later ones will survive. For you do not know which will succeed, this one or that one, or if both will survive (and they both are equally good) (or if both are equally bad); as it says (Ecclesiastes 11:6), “Sow your seed in the morning, and do not hold back your hand in the evening.” If you decided to plant in the first and second quarters, go back and plant in the third quarter, for perhaps a disease will come to the world, and the earlier ones will become diseased while the later ones survive; (as it says [Ecclesiastes 11:6]), “For you do not know which will succeed, this one or that one, or if both are equally good,” as it says, “Sow your seed in the morning.”
Rabbi Yishmael son of Rabbi Yosei says: (Study Torah in your old age.) If you studied Torah in your youth, do not say: I don’t have to study in my old age. Rather, study Torah, for you do not know which [period of study] will be most beneficial. If you studied Torah at a time of wealth, do not turn away from it at time of poverty. If you studied Torah at a time of satiation, do not turn away from it at a time of hunger. If you studied Torah at a time of leisure, do not turn away from it at a time of stress. For it is better for a person to have one thing during a crisis than a hundred in the midst of abundance (as it says, “For you do not know if they will both be equally good”), as it says, (Ecclesiastes 11:6), “Sow your seed in the morning, and do not hold back your hand in the evening.”
Rabbi Akiva says: If you studied Torah in your youth (study Torah in your old age), do not say: I don’t have to study in my old age; for you do not know which will be the most beneficial, if both will stay with you, or if both will be equally good, as it says, “Sow your seed in the morning.”
Rabbi Meir says: If you studied with one teacher, do not say: That’s enough for me. Rather, go to another sage and study Torah. But do not go to just anyone. Rather, go to someone who has been close to you from the start, as it says (Proverbs 5:15), “Drink water from your own cistern, that which flows from your own well.”
Every person has an obligation to apprentice with three Torah scholars, such as Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, and Rabbi Akiva, as it says (Proverbs 8:34), “Happy is the person who hears me come early to my doors every day, and waits outside my opening.” Do not read it as “doors,” but “a door and two doors” [a total of three], for you do not know if two of them will work for you, or if two of them will be equally good, as it says (Ecclesiastes 11:6), “Sow your seed in the morning.”
Rabbi Yehoshua says: Marry a woman in your youth, and marry a woman in your old age. Have children in your youth, and have children in your old age. Do not say: I will not marry a woman. Rather, marry a woman and have sons and daughters, and be fruitful and multiply greatly in the world. For you do not know if both of them will work out for you, or if both of them will be equally good, as it says (Ecclesiastes 11:6), “Sow your seed in the morning.”
He would also say: If you give a perutah to a poor person in the morning, and then another poor person is standing before you in the evening, give to him as well. For you do not know if both of them will be sustained through you, or if both of them are equally good, as it says (Ecclesiastes 11:6), “Sow your seed in the morning.”
For you do not know which will prosper. Whether the students and children of your youth will survive you, or perhaps only those of your old age will survive. We find that Rabbi Akiva had twenty-four thousand students from Gabas to Antiparis, and they all died between Pesach and Shavuot, and he came to our Sages in the south and taught them. And concerning children, we find that Ivzan “sent thirty daughters abroad, and he brought in thirty daughters for his sons,” and they all died in his lifetime, but in his old age, he begot Oved, who survived him.
==This, [the first line of the mishnah,] is suggesting that once he has children, he may desist from having more; but [it does] not [mean that he may desist] from marriage.
––This supports what R. Nahman said that Samuel said: Even if a man has several children, he may not live without a wife. As it says, “It is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). (BT Yevamot 61b)
… As was taught in a baraita: R. Joshua says, if he took a wife when young, he should again take a wife when old. If he had children when young, he should again have children when old, as it says: In the morning sow your seed, and when you grow old, do not stay your hand (Ecclesiastes 11:6) …
––Said R. Matena: The law is in agreement with R. Joshua.
––Said R. Tanhum said R. Hanilai: Any man without a wife is without happiness, blessing, and good….
––In the West they added: Without Torah and without a wall [to protect him from sin] …
––And R. Joshua b. Levi said: A man must visit his wife [sexually] before leaving on a trip, as it says, “and you will know that there is peace in your tent and you will visit your home and not sin (Job 5:24).”
We learned in a baraita: One who loves his wife as much as himself and honors her more than himself and trains his sons and daughters in a straight path and marries them off when they mature physically, about him the verse says, “and you will know that there is peace in your tent and you will visit your home and not sin.” (62b)
—R. Hiyya’s wife used to torment him. [Even so,] whenever he would find something, he would wrap it in his scarf and bring it to her [to please her]. Rav said to him: But she torments you! He responded: It is sufficient for us that they raise our children and save us from sin. (63a-b)
And sweet is the light of the Torah, and it is good to light up dim eyes that they may see the glory of the face of the Shekhinah. In the future, it will light up the face of the righteous from the splendor of the Shekhinah so that their beauty may be like the sun.
to behold the sun. And fortunate are the students whose eyes see a legal opinion whitened and clarified thoroughly. So is it expounded in the midrash on Psalms.
For if a man lives many days, in all of them he should rejoice and occupy himself with God's Torah. And let him remember the dark days of death, and not sin. For many are the days which the deceased lies in the grave, and it is appropriate for him to receive judgment from Heaven for his life which he loved. All that time, punishment will come on him for the vanities he did.
Had the decree of God prompted man to be either just or wicked, or had there been a fundamentally inborn something to draw man to either of the paths, or to any one branch of knowledge, or to a given tendency of the tendencies, or to particular act of all actions as the astrologists maintain by their foolish inventions, how did He charge us by the prophets, to do thus and not to do such, improve your ways, and do not follow your wickedness, whereas man from his embryonic state already had a decree of his conduct issued, or his inborn nature draws him toward a given path of conduct from which he can not deviate? Moreover, what need would there be, under such circumstances, for the Torah altogether? And by what law, and under what system of justice could the wicked be punished, or the just rewarded? Shall the judge of the whole earth not exercise justice? Now, do not wonder and ask: "How is it possible for man to do what his heart desires, and have his entire course of action lodged within himself seeing that he can not do aught in the world without the permission of his Master and without His Will, even as the Verse says: "Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that hath He done, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps" (Ps. 135.6)? Know all that man does is in accordance with His Will, although our actions are really in our own keeping. For example? Even as it is the Creator's Will that fire and air shall ascend upward, and that water and earth shall descend downward, or that the [celestial] sphere shall revolve in a circle, and that other creatures of the universe should likewise follow their respective natural laws, as it was His Will for them to be, so was it His Will that man shall have the free choice of conduct in his own hand, and that all his actions should be lodged within him, and that he should be neither forced or drawn, but he, of his own free will and accord, as God endowed him with, he exercises in all that is possible for man to do. He is, therefore, judged according to actions; if he did good, his is rewarded with good; and if he did wrong, he is punished. This is in harmony with what the prophet said: "This hath been of your own doing" (Mal. 1.9); and: "According as they have chosen their own ways" (Is. 66.3); and of this very subject Solomon said: "Rejoice O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment" (Ecc. 11. 9); as if saying: "True, it is within the power of thine hand to do so, but thou art to render an accounting on the day of judgment".
And remove anger from your heart, that you should not cause evil to your flesh, for youth and the days of blackness of hair are transient.
(A different version: Remove anger from your heart, for anger kills people and brings down many to Gehenna, but as for you, it is appropriate to save yourself from the judgment of Gehenna. Know that all of this world is considered transient, and nothing remains to a man from all his works except the good deeds which shield him and also benefit him in the world to come.)
And Rabbi Yitzḥak said: What is the meaning of that which is written: “For childhood and youth [shaḥarut] are vanity” (Ecclesiastes 11:10)? Sinful things that a person does in his youth darken [mashḥirim] his face with shame as he grows old.
Cf. postbiblical bori; others “Remember thy Creator.”
So remember your Creator. There we learned, Akavya the son of Mahalalel says, reflect upon three things, etc. And he expounded it from this verse, “so remember your Creator [=בּוֹרְאֶךָ],” that you will give an accounting and reckoning before Him; and remember your pit, [your grave =בּוֹרֶךָ], a place of earth, maggots, and worms; and remember your well [=בְּאֵרֶךָ], the well that flows from its source, that is, the putrid drop of semen and whiteness.
...when it will be far more difficult than in youth.
The evil days - these are the days of old age for the elderly, and the days of sickness for all; i.e. when that sickness is the one that one dies from.
When the guards of the house [i.e. the arms] become shaky,
And the men of valor [i.e. the legs] are bent,
And the maids that grind [i.e. the teeth], grown few, are idle,
And the ladies that peer through the windows [i.e. the eyes] grow dim,
Because they are few. In old age, most of one's teeth fall out.
And the doors to the street are shut—
With the noise of the hand mill growing fainter,
And the song of the bird growing feebler,
And all the strains of music dying down;
When one is afraid of heights
And there is terror on the road.—
For the almond tree may blossom,
The grasshopper be burdened,
And the caper bush may bud again;
But man sets out for his eternal abode,
With mourners all around in the street.—
Rabbi Menashe ben Israel, Amsterdam, 17th century
For man goes home to his world and the mourners surround him in the street (Ecclesiastes 12:5) - It is mentioned that the soul leaves for the new world that it is going to enjoy. And if the soul were mortal, indeed, it could not correspond to the movement of going home to his world.
And the golden bowl crashes,
The jar is shattered at the spring,
And the jug is smashed at the cistern.
As it was,
And the lifebreath returns to God
Who bestowed it.
But if we examine what there is in the books of the other prophets on this matter, such as [And the dust returns to the earth as it was,] and the spirit returns to G-d, Who gave it (Kohelet 12:7), and "I will give you a place among these who stand here" (Zechariah 3:7), and "How great is Your goodness that You have laid away for those who fear You" (Psalms 31:20), and "no eye has seen O God besides you, who prepares for those who wait for Him" (Isaiah 64:3), "your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall gather you in" (Isaiah 58:8).
When we study these and many similar verses in addition to what our Sages taught us in this, and with what our reason tells us, our souls will be at peace, and will be assured of the inevitability of reward and punishment in the afterlife.
And when the days of your trial in this world are ended, the exalted Creator commands all those we have mentioned - gates, gate-keepers, servants and servitors - to depart from you and the bonds and connections between you and your body are severed, and you return to your first state. Your body has no movement and no feeling. It also returns to its first state, as the sage said: "The dust will return to the earth as it was: and the spirit will return to God who gave it" (Eccles. 12:7). And then you will be shown the account-books, the record of your deeds and thoughts and what you had chosen and troubled yourself with in your earthly existence; and in accordance with this, will be your requital.
All is futile!
When Solomon, king of Israel, looked at the transience of this world and the trivia [הבלים] which people do, Kohelet said with his words, "All is transience."
Kohelet sought. He set his heart and repeatedly sought the matter, and found it.
“Kohelet sought to find out words of delight” (Ecclesiastes 12:10), which indicates that he sought to find the fiftieth gate but failed to do so. [Moses only reached 49.] Kohelet, King Solomon, sought to be like Moses, but a Divine Voice issued forth and said to him: “And that which was written uprightly, even words of truth” (Ecclesiastes 12:10). This is referring to the words of the Torah; and what is written there? “And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face-to-face” (Deuteronomy 34:10).
The sayings of the wise are like goads, like nails fixed in prodding sticks. They were given by one Shepherd.
The words of the sages are compared to goads and nails, which are fastened to teach wisdom to those without knowledge, just as a goad teaches the ox, and the rabbis of the Sanhedrin are masters of halachah, and midrash, which was given by Moses the Prophet, who alone fed the people of Israel in the desert with manna and delicacies.
Maharal of Prague (Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel c.1512 - 1609)
And this is what they said in the first chapter of Chagigah (3b): "Composed in collections (ba’alei asufot)" (Ecclesiastes 12:11) - these are Torah scholars who sit in many groups (asupot) [and engage in Torah study]. These render [something] impure and these render [it] pure; these prohibit [something] and these permit [it]; these deem [something] invalid and these deem [it] valid. Lest a person say, "Since these render [something] impure and these render [it] pure; these prohibit [something] and these permit [it]; these deem [something] invalid and these deem [it] valid - how can I study Torah now?" [Hence] we learn to say, "all given from one shepherd." One God gave them; one leader (Moshe) said them from the mouth of the Master of all the creations, as it is stated (Exodus 20:1), "And God spoke all these words, saying."
A further word: Against them, my son, be warned!
The making of many books is without limit
And much study is a wearying of the flesh.
And more than these, my son, be careful of making books of wisdom without end, but occupy yourself much with words of Torah and become wise with weariness of flesh.
“Rabbi Aqiba says, also he who reads outside books.” For example, the books of Ben Sirach and Ben Laana. But the books of Homer and all books written from now on, one who reads them is like one who reads a letter. What is the reason? More than these, my son, be careful etc. They are given to be read, not given for exertion.
The sum of the matter, when all is said and done: Revere God and observe His commandments! For this applies to all mankind [alternate translation: this is what it means to be human]:
In conclusion after all has been heard, fear God. What you can do, do, and let your heart be [directed] toward Heaven.
And preserve His commandments, for this is the whole of man. Because this is why man was created.
Since contradictions in Ecclesiastes were mentioned, the Gemara cites additional relevant sources. Rav Yehuda, son of Rav Shmuel bar Sheilat, said in the name of Rav: The Sages sought to suppress the book of Ecclesiastes and declare it apocryphal because its statements contradict each other and it is liable to confuse its readers. And why did they not suppress it? Because its beginning consists of matters of Torah and its end consists of matters of Torah. The ostensibly contradictory details are secondary to the essence of the book, which is Torah. The Gemara elaborates: Its beginning consists of matters of Torah, as it is written: “What profit has man of all his labor which he labors under the sun?” (Ecclesiastes 1:3), and the Sages of the school of Rabbi Yannai said: By inference: Under the sun is where man has no profit from his labor; however, before the sun, i.e., when engaged in the study of Torah, which preceded the sun, he does have profit. Its ending consists of matters of Torah, as it is written: “The end of the matter, all having been heard: Fear God, and keep His mitzvot; for this is the whole man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)....
סוף דבר הכל נשמע את האלהים ירא ואת מצותיו שמור כי זה כל האדם
that God will call every creature to account for everything unknown, be it good or bad.
The sum of the matter, when all is said and done: Revere God and observe His commandments! For this applies to all mankind.