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Annulment of Vows and CursesEiruv TavshilinCandle LightingKabbalat ShabbatNighttime KiddushSeder Rosh HashanaZohar Study for Rosh Hashana NightBirkat Hamazon
Opening of the ArkBlessing on the TorahReading of the Torah for the First DayReading of the Torah for the Second DayMaftirHaftarah for the First Day of Rosh HashanaHaftarah for the Second Day of Rosh HashanaBlessing after the HaftarahSounding of the ShofarUnetanneh TokefMusafDaytime KiddushTashlichArvit for Motzei Rosh HashanaHavdalahAbout This Text
Version of prayer book that originated in Iraq and is now popular in many Sephardic and Mizrachi communities, including regular daily prayers as well as various additions and alternate prayers specific to Rosh Hashanah.