Supporting and contrasting texts discussed when studying the Introduction to Shaarei Yosher (by Rav Shimon haKohein Shkop) at Zelmele's Kloiz .
The text is the קונטרס החסד from מכתב מאליהו חלק א pp. 32-52 and 140-145, from letters by Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler, edited by Rabbi Aryeh Carmell. (Titled "Notes on Lovingkindness" in Rabbi Carmell's translation, Strive for Truth).
Supporting and contrasting texts discussed when studying the Introduction to Shaarei Yosher (by Rav Shimon haKohein Shkop) at Zelmele's Kloiz .
Supporting and contrasting texts discussed when studying the Introduction to Shaarei Yosher (by Rav Shimon haKohein Shkop) at Zelmele's Kloiz .
The text is the קונטרס החסד from מכתב מאליהו חלק א pp. 32-52 and 140-145, from letters by Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler, edited by Rabbi Aryeh Carmell. (Titled "Notes on Lovingkindness" in Rabbi Carmell's translation, Strive for Truth).