Start Reading
Eiruv TavshilinEiruvei ChatzeirosEiruvei Techumin
Candle Lighting
Song of Songs
Mincha Service for Erev Shabbos
Kabbalas Shabbos
Maariv Service for Shabbos and Yom Tov
Order of Shabbos in the Home
Songs for Shabbos Eve
Birchas Hamazon
Berachos Said Upon Witnessing Phenomenal SightsVarious Other BerachosThe Morning Prayers
Upon Arising in the MorningPutting On the TallisMa TovuAdon OlamYigdalBlessings Upon ArisingBlessings of the TorahMorning BlessingsAkeidah (The Binding of Isaac)Morning SupplicationsKorbanos (Sacrificial Offerings)Korban Tamid (Daily Offering)Ketores (Incense Offering)Kaddish d'RabananPesukei DezimrahHoduMizmor ShirBaruch She'amarPsalm 92Psalm 93Yehi ChevodAshreiShiras HayamNishmasYishtabachEil AdonRecitation of ShemaAmidah for Shabbos MorningSong of the Day
Reading of the Torah
Musaf Service
Kiddush for Shabbos daySongs for Shabbos Morning
Mincha Service for Shabbos and Yom Tov
Songs for Seudah ShelishisMaariv Service for the Conclusion of Shabbos
Kiddush LevanahHavdalahSongs for Motzoei ShabbosHallelPrayers for Yom Tov
Service at a CircumcisionCounting the OmerPrayer Before Retiring at NightAbout This Text
Author: Avrahom Davis
Composed: c.1978 – c.1982 CE
A linear translation into English of the traditional Sefard (Chassidic) rite on Shabbat.