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The Morning Prayers
Birkas HamazonConcluding BlessingsBerachos Said Before Performing MitzvosBerachos Said Before Eating or DrinkingBerachos Said Upon Witnessing Phenomenal SightsVarious Other BerachosMarriage ServiceBirchas Hamazon for Sheva BerachosService at a CircumcisionBirkas Hamzon for Bris MilahRedemption of the FirstbornThe Travelers' PrayerUpon Arising in the MorningPutting On the TallisPutting on the TefillinMa TovuAdon OlamYigdalBlessings Upon ArisingBlessings of the TorahMorning BlessingsAkeidah (The Binding of Isaac)Morning SupplicationsKorbanos (Sacrificial Offerings)Korban Tamid (Daily Offering)Ketores (Incense Offering)Kaddish d'RabananHoduMizmor ShirBaruch She'amarMizmor LesodahYehi ChevodAshreiShiras HayamYishtabachThe Blessings of ShemaRecitation of ShemaShemoneh EsreiTachanunAvinu MalkeinuVehu RachumReading of the TorahBirchas HagomeilBerachah for Father of Bar MitzvahAshrei U'va L'TzionPsalm of the DayMy Soul BlessPsalm from Rosh Chodesh ElulPsalm in the House of a MournerAleinuMourner's KaddishSix Verses of RemembranceThirteen Principles of FaithThe Chapter of Reverence for GodThe Chapter of RepentanceThe Chapter of Mannah
Counting the OmerPrayer Before Retiring at NightBerachos on LulavHallelMusaf for Rosh ChodeshMusaf for Chol Hamo'edHoshanosChanukah ServicePurim Service