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Foundations of the TorahDe'otTorah StudyForeign Worship and Customs of the NationsRepentanceReading the ShemaPrayer and the Priestly BlessingTefillin, Mezuzah and the Torah ScrollFringesBlessingsCircumcisionThe Order of PrayerSabbathEruvinRest on the Tenth of TishreiRest on a HolidayLeavened and Unleavened BreadShofar, Sukkah and LulavSheqel DuesSanctification of the New MonthFastsScroll of Esther and HanukkahMarriageDivorceLevirate Marriage and ReleaseVirgin MaidenWoman Suspected of InfidelityForbidden IntercourseForbidden FoodsRitual SlaughterOathsVowsNazariteshipAppraisals and Devoted PropertyDiverse SpeciesGifts to the PoorHeave OfferingsTithesSecond Tithes and Fourth Year's FruitFirst Fruits and other Gifts to Priests Outside the SanctuarySabbatical Year and the JubileeThe Chosen TempleVessels of the Sanctuary and Those who Serve ThereinAdmission into the SanctuaryThings Forbidden on the AltarSacrificial ProcedureDaily Offerings and Additional OfferingsSacrifices Rendered UnfitService on the Day of AtonementTrespassPaschal OfferingFestival OfferingFirstlingsOfferings for Unintentional TransgressionsOfferings for Those with Incomplete AtonementSubstitutionDefilement by a CorpseRed HeiferDefilement by LeprosyThose Who Defile Bed or SeatOther Sources of DefilementDefilement of FoodsVesselsImmersion PoolsDamages to PropertyTheftRobbery and Lost PropertyOne Who Injures a Person or PropertyMurderer and the Preservation of LifeSalesOwnerless Property and GiftsNeighborsAgents and PartnersSlavesHiringBorrowing and DepositCreditor and DebtorPlaintiff and DefendantInheritancesThe Sanhedrin and the Penalties within their JurisdictionTestimonyRebelsMourningKings and Wars
About This Text
Author: Adin Steinsaltz
Composed: Jerusalem
Steinsaltz on Mishneh Torah is Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz’s modern commentary on Maimonides’ 12th-century legal code entitled Mishneh Torah, one of the most organized, comprehensive, and influential works of Jewish law. Steinsaltz’s commentary features clear explanations of the text aimed at making the text accessible to all learners. It also includes introductions to each chapter and law, summaries of later legal rulings with source citations, and explanations of background principles and terms.